HOW DO YOU PREPARE A CLIENT FOR STYLING AND DRESSING? Consult with your client Gown and protect Shampoo and disentangle the hair using a wide tooth comb Sheet 1
HOW DO YOU PREPARE YOUR WORK AREA? Ensure dress out is clean, tidy and sterilised Ensure your chair is clean and free from hair Collect the suitable tools needed and ensure they have been sterilised Collect the suitable products for the clients hair
WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM TIME ALLOWED FOR EACH SERVICE? Sheet 2 Blow dry description Time Blow dry straight and finish with straighteners – above shoulders 30 - 35 Blow dry straight with paddle brush and finish with straighteners – below shoulders 45 Blow dry with body using round brush – above shoulders 30 - 35 Blow dry with body using round brush – below shoulders 45 Finger dry (scrunch) using diffuser – above shoulders Finger dry (scrunch) using diffuser – below shoulders Blow dry hair creating curl using small round brush and finish with tongs
COSHH S H U D What do these mean?
Products Heat protectors Spray Mousse Cream Gel Lotions Serum Correct way to Store Correct way to Handle Correct way to Use Correct way to Dispose
Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 FILL IN THE TABLE Sheet 4 Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 It applies to everyone, employers, employees and the self-employed. Under this Act it states it is the responsibility of everyone to work in a healthy and safe manner. It is the duty of every employee while at work to take reasonable care for the health and safety of others (and self) who may be affected by the employees’ actions or lack of actions. Every employee must cooperate with his or her employer so far as is necessary to enable the employer to implement and maintain health and safety policies within the salon (this is a legal requirement).
The Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations Make notes on the main outline of the legislation within the salon environment All equipment (old and new) used in the salon must be suitable for the purpose for which it is used. The equipment must be properly maintained and all employees must be trained in the use of the equipment. Equipment must only be used for the intended purpose, following the manufacturer’s instructions for use. Make notes on how the this legislation affects you in your job role Your employer will provide training for the correct use of all equipment in the salon environment. You should not use any equipment without this training.
The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (PPE) Make notes on the main outline of the legislation within the salon environment Employers MUST provide suitable PPE to all employees who may be exposed to any risk while working. In a salon environment PPE is supplied for use when handling chemicals, e.g. hair colouring or perming and removal of colour and neutralising perms. PPE is also used when carrying out wet work, for example shampooing. Make notes on how the this legislation affects you in your job role It is the employee’s responsibility to: report any damage or loss of PPE wear PPE as required in the salon and in accordance to instructions provided examine PPE before wearing clean and store after use as required by the salon.
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) Make notes on the main outline of the legislation within the salon environment The employer must make sure that all employees receive training in the safe use of products (substances) they may come into contact with while working. This means you will receive training on the correct methods for SHUD. Make notes on how the this legislation affects you in your job role You must know how to store handle use and dispose of all chemicals/products and their containers. Know you salon policies/local bi-laws according to this Adhere to and carry out salon policies manufacturers’ instructions and local bi-laws.
The Electricity at Work Regulations Make notes on the main outline of the legislation within the salon environment These regulations cover the installation, maintenance and use of all electrical equipment in the workplace. The employer must ensure that the electrical equipment is maintained and checked regularly; that all employees receive training in the use of the equipment, following manufacturer’s instructions. Make notes on how the this legislation affects you in your job role Understand the instructions before using any electrical equipment. If you don’t, ask. Always switch off at the mains before connecting or disconnecting any electrical appliance. Dry hands thoroughly before using electrical equipment Check equipment looks clean and in good repair before using Report any damaged electrical tools or equipment, including cables and plugs, label clearly and remove from use if you can.
List tools that this method may be used on Moist heat List tools that this method may be used on This method is created by the use of an autoclave, which heats water up to a very high temperature (higher than boiling water). It will kill off most common bacteria found in hairdressing salons. Tools than can withstand high temperatures Carbon combs Sheet 5
JAR Combs Brushes SPRAY Scissors Chemicals List tools that this method may be used on This method is often used in hairdressing salons. The chemicals are placed in a jar or container after they have been washed and cleaned to remove dirt. The chemical mixture must completely cover the tools. It is an effective method if used correctly. There are chemical sprays available for tools that cannot be immersed in liquid. JAR Combs Brushes SPRAY Scissors
Brushes Scissors Ultra violet rays List tools that this method may be used on Ultra violet light rays are used to kill off the bacteria. Tools are cleaned first then placed in a sterilising cabinet. This method is not used as much today, as you need to keep turning the tools around in the cabinet for the light rays to cover all sides of the tools to work. Combs Brushes Scissors
Suitable methods of cleaning and sterilising Tools and equipment Suitable methods of cleaning and sterilising Brushes UV cabinet Chemical steriliser Combs Autoclave (remember only if they can withstand the heat) Straighteners Chemical steriliser (wipes) Hand held hairdryers Chemical steriliser (wipes) Curling tongs Diffusers
HOW TO MINIMISE THE RISK OF CONTRACTING CONTACT DERMATITIS Sheet 6 Rinse hands properly after contact with any product or detergent Dry hands properly every time Use a good moisturising hand cream regularly Use barrier cream throughout the day to help protect hands 5. If in contact with any type of chemicals you should use protective disposable gloves
Tools Styling method used for Example of affect created Vent brush Blow dry short hair Root lift Movement Texture with finished style Paddle brush Blow dry long hair Straight Smoothness Large round brush Blow dry longer hair Fingers Finger dry (scrunch) hair Creates curl Small round brush Sheet 7
Sheet 8 Equipment Use Example of affect achieved Flat irons (straighteners) For straightening dried hair Sleek straight style for client on shorter or longer length hair Tongs (curling iron) For tightening curl on dried hair To create a tighter curl on short hair Diffuser For creating curl in all lengths of wet hair To create movement and natural cu Sheet 8
All hair is elastic and stretchy All hair is elastic and stretchy. When hair is wet it becomes more elastic, when it can stretch up to half its length again. Temporary bonds (the hydrogen bonds and salt links) that join the polypeptide chains in the cortex are broken when wet hair is stretched ie – blowdrying/setting. When hair is blow dried into the new shape the temporary bonds quickly rejoin to form the new shape. Hair in its natural state is described as being in an alpha keratin state. When hair has been shampooed or wet and stretched into a new shape and dried, is described as being in a beta keratin state. When the hair is dampened again – by shampooing, or moisture in the atmosphere – then the temporary bonds will go back to the hair’s natural state of alpha keratin. Hair is hygroscopic, this means it absorbs moisture from the atmosphere – discuss the affects that this will have on the newly shaped hair styles form the different methods of styling with your tutor and group.
Activity We will now work together to make a poster of the structure of the hair and a diagram of the physical effects of blowdrying to put on display