Smart Snacking Tips and ideas to keep you fueled and full in a healthy way
Why Snacks? For almost anyone trying to watch their weight, choosing healthy snacks can be a challenge Snacking has developed a "bad image," but they are an important part of your diet Can boost your energy in the middle of the day or when exercising Keeps you focused at work and during activities Between meals can decrease hunger & keep you from overeating at meal time
Top 10 reasons to be a “healthy snacker”: 1.Pretty teeth 2.Shiny hair 3.Better skin 4.Sick less often 5.More energy 6.Better concentration 7.Better mood 8.Healthy weight 9.Fewer upset stomachs 10.Healthy eyes
Did You Know? On average 24% of adults’ total daily caloric intake comes from snacking 1 in 6 adults obtain over 40% of daily caloric intake from food & beverage snacks
What Makes a Healthy Snack? Think of snacks as mini-meals You can fit them into your eating plan without exceeding your daily caloric budget Go for high protein, not high carb: high protein snacks help you feel full longer and eat less at your next meal. If you are not sure if a snack is healthy, read the Nutrition Facts Calories = mostly from fat (≥1/2 of the total calories),it is not a healthy choice Avoid foods that list sugar as one of the 1 st ingredients
What Makes a Healthy Snack? Cont. Keep portion control in mind The size of the snack should be the right size Good balance between enough calories to satisfy you, but still not too many Under 100 calories is a good guide Snack ONLY when you’re hungry Skip the urge to nibble when you’re: bored, frustrated, or stressed
What Makes a Healthy Snack? Cont. Pick foods that are low in fat & sugar & high in fiber Try to pick snacks from these food groups: Grains Fruit Vegetables Dairy Protein Naturally sweetened is better than foods and drinks that contain added sugar Fresh fruit is a healthier choice than a fruit-flavored drink Foods and drinks that list sugar or corn syrup as one of the first ingredients are not healthy snack choices
Healthy Snack Nutrient: Fiber Fiber is essential for digestive health & can help lower cholesterol Helps food digest slower & keeps you fuller longer Fiber-full foods: Nuts Raw veggies Fruits Beans Aim for foods with 5g per serving or more
Healthy Snack Nutrient: Protein Needed for muscle growth, healthy red blood cells, & is important in heart and brain function Not only meat-based, can be plant-based foods too High protein snacks help you feel full longer and eat less at your next meal Protein snacks: Nuts Eggs Low-fat or fat-free dairy products Peanut butter Beans Lean meats
Don’t Let These Sneak In Added fat: Fried foods Snacks with high fat dips Extra sauce Added sugar: Candy Sugary drinks (even some flavored waters) Some cereals & granola bars Added sodium: Highly processed/packaged foods Frozen snacks that need to be reheated May satisfy you at 1 st, but will leave you feeling tired and lethargic
Snacks For Your Busy Life Trail mix: Nuts, toasted oats cereal, & dried fruit with no added sugar Celery or apple slices with peanut butter Raw fruit Raw veggies with hummus Unsalted almonds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, pistachios Air popped popcorn Low-fat or fat-free yogurt (plain or Greek) Low-fat string cheese Unsalted rice cakes Pretzels Whole grain bread, crackers, bagel
How to pick a Granola/Energy Bar Find one with: At least 3 grams fiber, preferably 5+ Between calories. If it is a meal replacement then it should have more than 300 Protein will vary. Between 5 – 15 grams is normal. More or less is ok depending your hunger level & if you are eating it as a snack or a meal
Bad Example: Special K Bliss Bars Special K shrinks their bar down to half the normal size, but the truth is that it’s 40% sugar and has less than 1 gram of fiber You’ll feel twice as hungry half an hour after eating it!
Good Example: Larabar Details: 190 Calories 8 g of Fat 4 g of Protein 21 g of Sugar 4 g of Fiber Made from exactly 3 ingredients- dates, almonds, and cherries!
What are some roadblocks to healthy snacking?
Examples: Too busy Always on the go At work all day Friends/family want to get together at “unhealthy” places You don’t know what snacks are considered healthy
What are solutions to the roadblocks that prevent healthy snacking?
A Few Solutions We Came Up With Keep a container of healthy snack options at your desk or in your car Pre-measure snacks for the correct portion sizes Pre-cut veggies & fruit so it’s easier to reach for than candy or chips Plan ahead! If you know you’ll be out for a few hours between meals, bring something Store foods like cookies, chips, or ice cream where they are hard to see or reach Move the healthier foods to the front, at eye level If your family snacks while watching TV, put a portion of the food in a bowl or on a plate for each person Make sure to eat something small every 3-4 hours
Thank you! Don’t Forget! Smart Snacking: 17 th from 5:30-6:00pm Portion Distortion: 16 th from 5:30-6:00pm 17 th from 12:00-12:30pm