Volleyball is a game played by two teams on a rectangular court which measures 18 m. long and 9 m. wide. Each team has 6 players
This kind of volley is also played by two teams but instead of six, there are only two players in each.
The court : In volleyball we play on a court bigger and in beach volley we play on sand, which it’s more difficult for us to move and to receive the ball. Also the ball is heavier in volleyball.
The weather In beach volley the weather is an important factor because if it´s raining or windy you probably will play worse, but in volleyball it doesn´t matter because you are indoor. In beach volley is also a disadvantage the sun.
The rules are almost the same o In both your team can only hit the ball three times until the ball pass the net. o You can´t hit the ball twice consecutive. o You can use a forearm touch
o In volleyball the block doesn´t count has a hit o In beach volley you can´t use the finger touch, unless your hands are together o In beach volley there isn´t an attack line or a central line o In volleyball the net is higher than in beach volley o In beach volley the coach can´t give instructions to their team while they are playing.
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