CAS Web-Shop Project
What’s CAS Web-Shop? A purpose specific interactive dynamic website that can serve as a link between CAS and the local community With purpose of attracting high-achieving high school students and other stakeholders, such as parents, prospective employers and school teachers.
What’s CAS Web-Shop? The main web- doors of the shop will take the visitors shopping for a college to e-rooms, each dedicated to one of CAS’ Programs. One extra main e-rooms is to be dedicated to the general goal of building relationship with the community.
What’s CAS Web-Shop? This presentation is limited to the program-dedicated e-rooms.
What’s in a Program-Dedicated e-room? 1. Elements selling the program 2. Elements selling the social experience of students of the program 3. Academic Information pertaining to the program
1. Elements selling the program Examples: 1. A collection of video interviews or presentations, by alumni talking about their pleasurable and rewarding learning experience in CAS and their present career. 2. Animated presentation of job opportunities awaiting a graduate of the program. 3. Interviews with prospect employers declaring their interest in the graduates of the given program and their satisfaction with past graduates employed by them. 4. information regarding scholarships positions, grants or support available for eligible students.
2. Elements selling the Social Experience 1. Information about existing student clubs affiliated with the program (such as Statistics Club). 2. Reports about events and field trips associated with the program. 3. Reports about tournaments, matches and competitions organized by the program 4. Other activities including those organized by the students themselves
3. Academic Information in an Appealing Language The make up of the program; the courses, the syllabus, the current instructors: all presented in a language appealing to high school students. Example: Short video clips of interviews or presentations with faculty talking about: 1. The faculty’s’ field of expertise and the interesting parts of the program 2. Courses and what the student will be able to do after finishing a course or a sequence of courses.
4. Practical Information Thorough and detailed contact information and links to enrollment information, forms, …..,etc.
Who Will Provide the Content of Program-Dedicated e-rooms? The content is to provided by the program for which the given room is reserved or by the department offering that program.
What about the technicians and Equipment Needed to Create the Multimedia elements ? The dean has already appointed a linkman whom the department or the program is to contact, whenever such assistance is needed. He will see to it, that such assistance is provided. The same person will transfer the created elements to the party responsible for the IT part of the project.
Could Students of a Program be Part of the Project ? Student participation in the project is needed. Such involvement of the students will provide a link with the targeted audience and a constant feedback on the community’s interests and needs.
Could Students of a Program be Part of the Project ? Students of the Department of Information & Mass Communication, in particular, can participate in the creation of the multimedia elements of the Web-Shop. Such work could be integrated into their academic activities, such as the assignments and the capstone course (graduation project).
Are there Incentives for Students to Participate? In addition to possible academic incentives, there will be financial incentives for competent creative students to get heavily involved in the project
What’s Expected from each Programs/Departments? 1.Prepare a plan outlining the web- shop elements they want to have in the dedicated e-room. 2.Arrange for creating these elements. 3.Ask for technical assistance (via the Linkman) when needed
What’s Expected from the department of Mass Communication? Study the possibility of integrating working in the web-shop project into credit-earning assignments.
Why Does the Department of Mass Communication has such Important Role? 1. Creating Media and Multimedia elements is part of the learning experience of the programs offered in the Department of Mass Communication 2. The department has multimedia creating resources including, TV and audio studios, editing labs, multimedia editing software and a technician.