Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 2 w Staszowie Anna Dziewierz Klasa II b
Poland Currently in Poland, 97% of electricity comes from burning coal, and 3% of the energy from hydropower.
Poland A reneweble resource means a resource that can be totally replaced or is always available naturally, or that is practically inexhaustible.
Poland Hydroelectric power plant on the Vistula. Due to the low-lying area of the country, possibilities of using Polish rivers are not too remarkable. Currently operate here already 127 large power plants and approximately 300 small ones.
Poland Solar energy is a highly regarded and widely used source of energy in many countries around the world, also in Poland.
Poland Wind energy production in Poland is developing since the early 90s. However the role of wind energy in the Polish energy balance is small, the situation is gradually changing.
Poland In Poland, the vast majority of generation of energy of biomass is based on the production of heat, especially in small, local (often household) power installations.
Poland Poland has very good geothermal conditions, as 80% of the country falls within the 3 geothermal divisions.
Poland With the increase in world population, resources of our planet diminish. Their exhaustion will lead to huge changes in our lives.
Poland Coal is a strategic resource in Poland because it caters to 65% of energy needs of the country. Polish coal and lignite resources are among the largest in the world.
Poland Poland is a country poor in petroleum. The main extraction region is Polish Lowlands, where are 42 of 84 proven reserves in the country.
Poland In recent decades, there is an increasing demand for natural gas in the world. Deposits of natural gas are stand-alone or accompanied by deposits of petroleum or coal.
Poland Poland has no nuclear power plants, but it has been already planned to build them.
Poland All living organisms on the Earth are threatened by radiation. Under the influence of radiation a number of changes in the human body (living tissue) occur.
Poland - Skin cancer; - Leukemia; - Gastrointestinal disease; - Bone disease ;