Business Market: All organizations that buy goods and services for use in production of other products and services that are sold rented or supplied to other. Business buying process: the decision making process by which business buyers establish the need for purchased products and services and identify, evaluate and choose among alternative brands and suppliers
Market structure and demand: Fewer but larger Geographically concentrated Demand derived from final consumer demand Inelastic demand: short run price change Nature of the buying unit: Professional purchasing efforts. Type of decisions and the decision process: Complex buying decision Formalized Close n long term relation
THE ENVIRONMENT Marketing stimuli: P`s Other stimuli: Economic, technological, Cultural, social, competitive. THE BUYING ORGANIZATION The buying centre Buying decision process BUYER RESPONSE -Product or service choice -suppliers choice -order quantities -delivery terms and times -service terms -payment
Straight rebuy Modified rebuy New task System buying
Buying Centre: Users Influencers Deciders Gatekeepers
Environmental factors: Economic developments Supply conditions Technological Political and regulatory Competitive Culture and customs Organizational: Objectives Policies Procedures Organizational structure systems
Interpersonal Authority Status Empathy Persuasiveness Individual: Age Education Job position Personality Risk attitudes
Problem recognition General need description Product specification Suppliers search Proposal drafting and submission Supplier selection Order routine specification Performance review