Mid-Term Review Grade 7
Which of the following is the healthiest type of carbohydrate? a. Bread made with white flour b. Rice made with whole grains c. Cereal made with refined grains d. White rice
What might happen if you didn't consume enough protein? a. Your body wouldn't be able to build muscle mass b. You wouldn't have any energy at all c. You would feel really thirsty all the time d. You would become overweight
Which of these nutrients is your main source of energy? a. Water b. Protein c. Carbohydrates d. Fats
Skim milk is better for you than whole milk. What can you infer about skim milk? a. It's low in fat b. It's high in calories c. It's high in protein d. It's low in fiber
Which statement is NOT true about saturated and unsaturated fats? a. Unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats b. Saturated fats stay solid at room temperature; unsaturated fats are usually liquid c. Unsaturated fats can be found in vegetable oils; saturated fats can be found in animal products d. Saturated fats are healthier than unsaturated fats
What is the first thing you should look at on a nutrition label? a. amount of calories b. total amount of fat c. serving size d. fat from calories
What nutrients should be limited in your diet? a. fats, carbohydrates and sodium b. fiber, sodium and sugar c. cholesterol, fiber and fats d. sodium, cholesterol and fats
A calorie measures the amount of a. fat in a food b. energy in a food c. calories from fat d. daily allowance
The waxy substance that builds up inside your arteries is called a. atherosclerosis b. cholesterol c. diabetes d. saturated fat
Which statement is NOT true about the following nutrients? a. Calcium helps build strong bones b. Vitamin C helps fight infection c. Water is not a nutrient d. Too much sodium can cause high blood pressure
Which statement is NOT true about fiber? a. Fiber causes high cholesterol b. Fiber makes you feel full faster c. Fiber reduces constipation d. Fiber reduces colon cancer
What percent daily value might indicate a food is a bad food choice? a. 3% fiber b. 5% saturated fat c. 12% calcium d. 19% cholesterol
Now study hard and get an "A"