NFSM-IRRI Collaboration Enhancing and stabilizing rice productivity in eastern India through promotion of stress tolerant rice varieties U. S. Singh IRRI
Rice Area affected by different stresses in eastern India (lakh ha) States Flash Flood prone Drought Prone Salinity/Sodicity Coastal Inland Assam 8.0 2.0 Nil Bihar 11.0 10.0 1.5 Jharkhand 8.2 Chhatisgarh 27.3 Orissa 11.6 12.6 U.P 9.3 13.1 6 West Bengal 10.3 14.6 4.4 Total 50.2 87.8 5.9 7.5
Salt Submergence Drought STRESS TOLERANT RICE FOR AFRICA & SOUTH ASIA (STRASA) Purpose: To reduce poverty and hunger and increase food and income security of resource-poor farm families and rice consumers in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa through the development and dissemination of rice varieties tolerant of abiotic stresses. Countries: India, Bangladesh & Nepal Time of initiation : March 2008 Drought Salt Submergence
Signing of MOA between NFSM & STRASA (IRRI) on 25 October 2010
MAJOR ACHIVEMENTS Identification of New Gene (QTLs) Sub1 : for flash flood tolerance AG : for anaerobic germination SF : for stagnant flood tolerance Saltol : for salinity tolerance Novel QTLs linked to salinity tolerance other than Saltol & reproductive stage tolerance were identified DTY1.1, DTY2.2, DTY2.3, DTY3.1, DTY3.2 DTY4.1, DTY6.1, DTY12.1 : for drought tolerance
Variety Year of Release Duration Stress Tolerant Rice Varieties Released/ at advanced stage of release in India Variety Year of Release Duration SUBMERGENCE TOLERANT Swarna-Sub1 2009 145-150 days Samba Mahsuri-Sub1* 2013 125-130 days IR64-Sub1 2013/14 115-120 days CR1009-Sub1 2014 155-160 days IR09F436 (Ciherang-Sub1) 2014/15 DROUGHT TOLERANT Sahbhagi dhan 2010 105-110 days IR87707-446-B-B-B SATL TOLERANT CSR-43* 110-115 days CR dhan 405 *Yet to be notified
Multiple Stress Tolerant Rice Varieties at Evaluation Stage Flash Flood + Drought : Swarna-Sub1 + drought & medium duration : IR83383-B-B-129-4, IR83383-B-B-129-3, IR81412-B-B-82-1 : Expected release: 2015/16 Flash Flood + salinity : IR64-Sub1 + Saltol; Swarna-Sub1 + Saltol; IR84645-311-22-1-B & IR84649-81-4-B-B: Expected release : 2014/15 Flash + Stagnant flood : 8 lines under evaluation Expected release: 2014/15 Flash flood + anaerobic germination Expected release: 2015/16
Promotion of STRVs (mainly Swarna-Sub1) through NFSM/BGREI Distribution of > 400000 seed minikits between 2009-11 by NFSM & state governments in eastern Indian states. 1950 ha demonstration during kharif 2011 under BGREI Large scale cluster demonstrations by different states during kharif 2012 under BGREI program. 10000 ha cluster demos during kharif 2012 through STRASA partners. 10000 ha cluster demonstrations during kharif 2013 by STRASA partners
Field performance of Swarna Sub1 (14 days flooding) Just after submergence Three months later Mr. Asha Ram Pal, V. Palia Goa, Faizabad, U.P., India
Pooja Swarna-Sub1 (DS) Pooja Older seedlings for Retransplanting Pooja Puri distt., Orissa; Sept 29, 2011
Flood affected (10 d submergence) rice fields of Arun Kumar Singh at village Khuruhuja, District Chandoli, UP, India Swarna-Sub1 Swarna
October 9, 2012; 40 days after water receding August 27, 2012; 10 days of complete submergence November 1, 2012; 60 days after water receding Swarna-Sub1 Neighbouring varieties badly damaged
Re-transplanting of Swarna crops after 10 days of submergence in West Godavari, AP (Cluster demonstration) Swarna Sub1 Swarna
IRRI-NFSM Mayurbhunj, Odisha (2012-13) Sitasali 130 days Sahbhagi Dhan 105 days
Sahbhagi Dhan Swarna
Sahbhagi Dhan in Purulia (WB)
IRRI-NFSM project on cluster demonstrations of STRVs Mau, Uttar Pradesh October 30, 2012 CSR 36 CSR 36 Swarna
Yield data IRRI-NFSM 2012-13 (t/ha) State Submergence Drought Swarna Sub1 Other varieties Yield Adv. Sahbhagi Dhan Odisha 5.5 4.5 1.0 3.5 2.5 West Bengal 5.6 4.8 0.8 4.4 2.8 UP 3.7 1.6 submergence 3.2 1.7 1.5 (10 days submergence) Bihar 5.1 3.3 1.8 1.3 AP 6.5 5.3 1.2 -- 4.6 2.6 2.0 (6-10 days submergence) Jharkhand* 2.2 *mild drought spell in Jharkhand
Impact of cluster demos in 2012 on next season Area Covered 10,000 ha Farmers covered 18,500 Increased Production 10,000 tons (Approx.) Produce used as seed 5-8 % Expected Coverage in 2013-14 Approx. 60,000 ha Informal seed dissemination > 75,000 farmers
STRASA Partners in SA Partner's Category India B'desh Nepal Total Research Institutions/KVKs 15 3 21 Universities 18 4 1 23 Government Organizations/programs (NFSM, BGREI & State agric. Deptt. etc.) in India; DAE in Bangladesh 16 6 2 24 Private Seed Companies/Seed Growers 52 218 11 281 Public Sector Seed Corporations 8 1 NGOs 51 39 93 Farmers’ Organizations/Progressive Farmers (Seed producers) 27 International Organizations TOTAL 178 285 22 485
Time-line of the spread of Swarna-Sub1 in India Time-line of the spread of Swarna-Sub1 in India. A total of 200 g seed of Swarna-Sub1 was shared with one institution in 2005, it has reached to 3 million farmers by the 2012 wet season, due to support of a large number of partners from different sectors- NARES (National Agriculture Research and Extension System), FOs (farmers’ organizations), seed companies (public and private sector), NGOs (non-government organizations), state governments, and IPs (international partners). The variety was commercially released in India in August 2009 Amount of seed used during 2011 and 2012 include both from formal and informal sectors (updated from Mackill et al., 2012).
Proposed Activities under Cluster Demonstrations of STRVs (2013-14) 10000 ha demonstrations of STRVs (flood, drought and salinity) in stress prone areas of eastern India with special emphasis on tribal belts. Linking of demos with seed production FPV evaluation of short duration pulses (cowpea) just after the harvest of Sahbhagi dhan in tribal belts to exploit residual moisture. Validation cum demonstration of nutrient manager (especially nursery management for flood tolerant varieties) on pilot scale in Odisha , WB and Bihar (100 ha each). Impact of last season cluster demonstrations, adoption of STRVs and seed tracking. Awareness creation of STRVs. Training for young farmers, particularly women for seed health and capacity building of lead farmers/seed growers in quality seed production, processing, and storage
State-wise varietal Allocation (2013-14) State No.of Demo Variety Swarna -sub1 Sahabhagi Dhan CSR-36 IR64 Sub1 1 U.P 31 7 6 18 2 Bihar 20 12 8 3 Odisha 32 15 17 4 W. Bengal 19 5 Chhatisgarh Jharkhand 13 Assam Total 120 49 51
Targets in Eastern India Sub1 varieties 4 million ha Drought tolerant varieties : 5.5 million ha Salinity tolerant varieties : 0.5 million ha Average annual increase in production: 10.0 million tons Stabilized production
Stress tolerant rice varieties have potential to usher Green Revolution in eastern India & Bangladesh by enhancing & stabilizing rice productivity & production in stress prone areas THANK YOU