Critical Leadership Skills for Small Organizations
Difference between Leadership & Management LEADERSHIPPeople Purpose Transformation Empower Effectiveness Principles Do the right things MANAGEMENTThings Method Transaction Control Efficiency Practices Do things right Stephen Covey - From effectiveness to greatness
Everyone needs to show leadershipEveryone needs to drive innovationEveryone needs to inspire their teammatesEveryone needs to embrace changeEveryone needs to take responsibility for resultsEveryone needs to be positiveEveryone needs to be devoted to expressing their absolute best And once they do, the organisation will not only adopt to change, it will lead within its field Robin Sharma – The Leader who dad no title Revolutionary New Model of Leadership “ What would happen to the sound of a symphony if even one of it’s players was out of tune and less than superb at his art? “
What do successful Leaders DO? SET DIRECTION (Vision, Customers, Purpose) DEMONSTRATE PERSONAL CHARACTER (integrity, initiative, inspiration, positive energy, analytical thinking) MOBILIZE INDIVIDUAL COMMITMENT (talent, passion, engagement, genius, empower) ENGENDER ORGANIZATIONAL CAPABILITY (team work, inclusivity, manage change, discipline, execution) Stephen Covey - From effectiveness to greatness
Set direction
CHARACTER COMPETENCE WISDOM Technical Experiential Conceptual Initiative Decisiveness Discipline Execution Integrity Courage Passion Maturity Inspiration Positive energy Caring Trust Judgement Abundance Purpose One man cannot do right in one department of life whilst he is occupied in doing wrong in any other department. Life is one indivisible whole..... MAHATMA GANDHI Demonstrate Personal Character
Mobilizing Individual Commitment
The collective skill, talent, energy and passion can achieve just about anything TEAMS Your team should represent your market. Embracing diversity enables you to understand and grow your business. INCLUSIVITY You Lead change you don’t manage change CHANGE The making it happen, the sacrifice entailed in doing whatever it takes to realize the vision – willpower embodies DICIPLINE Leadership is the capacity to turn vision into reality. Great execution delights customers EXECUTION Engender Organisational Capability
Used all your talents and potential to make the world a better placeYou played at a standard of concentrated excellence and integrityYou confronted your largest fears and realized your highest visionsYou built people up versus tearing them downWhenever you got knocked down you instantly got back upValue you have contributed to the lives of the people you were lucky to serveAdore the strong, ethical, inspirational and empathetic person you grew intoKnowing you blazed new trails instead of following old roadsTeam mates call you a rock-star, customers a hero and loved ones a legendYour life stands as a model of possibility 10 Human Victories Robin Sharma – The Leader who dad no title