DOE’s Smart Grid R&D Needs Steve Bossart Energy Analyst U.S. Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory Materials Challenges in Alternative & Renewable Energy February 26 – March 1, 2012
2 Smart Grid R&D Topics Vision and goals Background Research needs –Standards and best practices –Technology development –Modeling –Analysis –Evaluation and demonstration
3 Vision and Goals
4 DOE OE Mission Mission of Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Lead national efforts to modernize the electric grid; Enhance security and reliability of the infrastructure; and Facilitate recovery from disruptions to energy supply Accelerate the deployment and integration of advanced communication, control, and information technologies that are needed to modernize the nation‘s electric delivery network
5 Vision of Smart Grid R&D Program By 2030, the power grid has evolved into an intelligent energy delivery system that supports plug-and-play integration of dispatchable and intermittent low-carbon energy sources, and provides a platform for consumer engagement in load management, national energy independence, innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic security. This smart grid supports the best and most secure electric services available in the world and connects everyone to abundant, affordable, high quality, environmentally conscious, efficient, and reliable electric power
6 Requirements to Achieve Vision High-speed, secure, two-way communications Standards for cyber security and interoperability Automated distribution system Modeling for wide area awareness –Visibility, outage prevention, outage management Automated customer systems –Demand response, energy efficiency Market mechanisms to deploy dynamic pricing High penetration of distributed and renewable resources
7 7 7 Smart Grid Principal Characteristics The Smart Grid will: Enable active participation by consumers Accommodate all generation and storage options Enable new products, services and markets Provide power quality for the digital economy Optimize asset utilization and operate efficiently Anticipate & respond to system disturbances Operate resiliently to attack and natural disaster
8 Smart Grid Goals
9 Supports: 2010 OE strategic plan –Develop advanced T&D technologies –Facilitate expansion of electric infrastructure capacity –Improve protection and restoration capability Secretary of Energy’s goals –Build competitive, low carbon economy –Secure America’s energy future President’s targets –80% of electricity from clean energy sources by 2035 –1 million electric vehicles by 2015 Smart Grid R&D Program
10 Smart Grid Components
11 Background
12 Smart Grid R&D Multi-Year Program Plan Originally published in 2010 Smart Grid Roundtable Meeting in December, 2009 Multiple stakeholders R&D Groups September 2011 update
13 Leveraging Complementary R&D Programs Basic engineering sciences Power electronics materials and devices Energy storage systems and devices Building technologies Microgrids T&D efficiency Transportation sector
14 Benefits from Smart Grid R&D Investments
15 Criteria for DOE Smart Grid R&D Plan Hindered by lack of standards or conflict with standards Not being addressed by industry or Federal R&D Longer-term, high-risk Transformative, high-payoff Feasible within likely Federal budget Long-term, high-risk R&D in high-impact technologies
16 Smart Grid R&D Needs
17 R&D Topics Standards & Best Practices Technology Development Modeling Analysis Evaluation & Demonstrations
18 Standards & Best Practices Electrical and communications interconnections, integration, interoperability, and operations Supports –NIST interoperability standards –IEEE P2030 series of interoperability standards –IEEE 1547 series of interconnection standards
19 Standards & Best Practices Developing, maintaining, and harmonizing national and international standards –Interconnection, interoperability, integration, and cyber security Legacy and advanced distribution system protection, operations and automation Defining reliability and ancillary service requirements Define roles of load serving entities, EMS, aggregators, and ISO/RTOs in market Developing best practices to manage PEV charging including “roaming” locations
20 Standards and Best Practices Some Technical Tasks Interoperability and Interconnection –Develop use cases to identify requirements –Develop exploratory and conformance test procedures –Develop schemes for protection, operation, and automation Cyber Security –Identify security requirements for all assets –Develop a security architecture –Develop and validate methods for cyber secure operation Market and Reliability –Describe operating models for power system and market –Develop clearly defined functional roles for entities
21 Technology Development Sensing & measurement –Weather, equipment health, customer devices, … Communications and security –Wireless, power line carrier, internet, … Advanced components –Power electronics, intelligent loads, V2G, G2V, e-storage.. Control methods –Distributed control, DA, mixed AC/DC, adaptive protection Decision and operations support –Visualization, diagnostic & operations, data processing
22 Technology Development “Integration” Integration of DER and DR to reduce peak load and improve efficiency Smart charging PEVs Microgrid Communications and controls Smart inverters for renewables
23 Technology Development Customer and distribution assets Low-power, low-cost, secure communications Sensing (V, I, Ф, f) G2V and V2G Protection and control Operations and support tools
24 Modeling
25 Modeling Modeling, simulation, and visualization Planning, design and operations Behavior, performance, and cost of smart grid assets Impact on generation and T&D operations
26 Modeling Create public library of smart grid software (components, controls) Establish benchmark test cases to validate models and software tools Develop fast computational algorithms and parallel computing capabilities Develop capability to model impact of smart grid on entire grid Develop dynamic response models Continuous update of distribution system Link distributed engineering, work order, outage management, and automated mapping models Integrate communications, markets, and renewable resource models Open standards to describe distribution, smart grid, and consumer assets
27 Analysis
28 Analysis Progress and impact of smart grid investments Support effective cyber security, privacy, and interoperability practices Impact on outage number, duration & extent Impact on power quality and reliability Impact on power system planning Impact of T&D automation on variable renewable integration Potential capacity from DR, DG, and e-storage Consumer studies on acceptance of DR, PEV, storage, energy efficiency, & local generation Evaluate benefits and cost Business case
29 Evaluation and Demonstration
30 Evaluation and Demonstration Gaps in smart grid functionality Gaps in technology performance Protocols in evaluating new components Performance and conformance with emerging standards
31 Contact Information Steve Bossart (304) Smart Grid Implementation Strategy Federal Smart Grid Website Smart Grid Clearinghouse