CAAPP Key Activities 2011-2013 June, 2013 Beijing, China.


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Presentation transcript:

CAAPP Key Activities June, 2013 Beijing, China

CAAPP Founding Conference 25th Oct CAAPP got broad support. Speech given by Antej and Otto from GAAPP, CAAPP president prof. Chen Yuzhi,leaders from Ministry of Healthy and Capital Institute of Pediatrics Doctors presentation of asthma management Patients experience sharing etc. CAAPP got broad supports by NGO, government, hospital, doctors and patients

CAAPP Communications Day 3rd Mar Patients were deeply involved. Doctors presentation of asthma management Patients played a more important role on experience sharing and allergy and asthma control demonstration

Asthma Day 1st May You can control your asthma! - To build patients’ confidence CCTV (China Central Television) recorded the whole activity and made a TV program, which helped to promote CAAPP’s Asthma Day activity in a much bigger scale. More children and elders with asthma were involved.

CAAPP Sport Games 14th Jul Let’s do sports! Sport Games helped to build the confidence of asthmatic children about doing sports actively. And it communicated the importance of doing physical exercise. Helped to build the network among asthmatic children and their parents, which make them to share experience and knowledge. Most children had normal lunge function indicates their asthma were under good control.

CAAPP Children’s Talent Show 20th Apr We are CAAPP. Please join us! Introduced CAAPP to pediatricians from other cities and recruited volunteers. Show asthmatic children’s talent and demonstrates the good result of asthma treatment. Release CAAPP’s song “Breath Freely” (conducted by volunteer)

CAAPP Asthma Day 25th May Comorbidity should be treated together. New contents: eczema and rhinitis topic, severe case study Introduce CAAPP’s new book edited by doctors and patients The activity attracted more attention from media. Some doctors, patients were interviewed. More interactive: Quiz and Q&A sessions

More to Come! Thank You!