1 9 th CJK NID WG, Beijing, China Status report on USN related activities in ITU-T Q.25/16 Document number Beijing, China July 2009 Hyoung Jun KIM, Jun Seob LEE
2 9 th CJK NID WG, Beijing, China Introduction on Q.25/16 Q.25/16 activities Future work plan of Q.25/16
3 9 th CJK NID WG, Beijing, China Introduction on Q.25/16 (1/2) Q.25/16 was newly created in this study period (2009 ~ 2012) –Title: USN Applications and Services –Rapporteur: Dr. Hyoung Jun Kim (ETRI, Korea)Dr. Hyoung Jun KimETRI –Terms of Reference –Study items (are not limited to) Analysis of service and functional requirements Architectural service framework Application profiling specifications Sensor information description language Middleware-relevant standards Directory service standards Sensor node identification scheme Considerations on how to help measure and mitigate climate change
4 9 th CJK NID WG, Beijing, China Introduction on Q.25/16 (2/2) –Tasks (are not limited to) Roadmap for relevant standards with compiling and analyzing standardization requirements and work items Amendment with new features for existing Recommendations with regard to some of the above study items such as directory services Studies on service description and requirements for USN middleware Studies on an architectural framework for USN middleware services Studies on functionality profiles of USN applications and services Studies on a sensor information description language Studies on a context modeling language for context awareness of USN middleware Studies on audio and video data transmission protocols over low-power wireless sensor networks Studies on application interfaces among USN middleware entities Studies on an identification scheme of USN elements including sensor nodes
5 9 th CJK NID WG, Beijing, China Q.25/16 Activities (1/6) ITU-T SG16 meeting (Geneva, 27 January ~ 6 February 2009) –As Q.25/16 was newly created group, the meeting had lots of discussion to clarify the scope of Q.25/16 to meet the ToR, and the group agreed to provide future work program for Q25/16 standardization works –F.usn-mw was transferred from Q.22/16 to Q.25/16, but it was agreed to work together until its Approval
6 9 th CJK NID WG, Beijing, China Q.25/16 Activities (2/6) –Work program of Q.25/16 after this meeting –Future work program for Q.25/16 To be shown in the last slide RecommendationEditorConsent/ApprovalReference F.usn-mw (Service description and requirements for USN middleware) Marie Kim, Sangkeun Yoo TD 104(WP2/16)
7 9 th CJK NID WG, Beijing, China Q.25/16 Activities (3/6) ITU-T WP2 Rapporteur Group and WP2/16 meeting (Geneva, 22 ~ 26 June 2009) –The quality of the F.usn-mw was enhanced during the joint session with Q.22/16 –Q25/16 agreed to develop a new draft Recommendation on SNMP- based sensor network management framework (H.snmf) –Further contributions were invited, especially to the Climate Change issues including smart metering, at the next meeting –It was agreed that the overall generic USN requirements and architecture, which is applicable to all ITU-T Recommendations, should first be developed. Therefore, further contributions were invited.
8 9 th CJK NID WG, Beijing, China Q.25/16 Activities (4/6) –Work program of Q.25/16 after this meeting RecommendationEditorConsent/ApprovalReference F.usn-mw (Service description and requirements for USN middleware) Marie Kim, Sangkeun Yoo TD 104(WP2/16) H.snmf (SNMP-based sensor network management framework) Jun Seob LEE (assisted by John Fenn) 2011TD-51a
9 9 th CJK NID WG, Beijing, China Q.25/16 Activities (5/6) Overview on F.usn-mw –It defines USN service descriptions, USN middleware description, USN service scenarios, functional model of USN middleware, and requirements for USN middleware open application interface manager common functions advanced functions query processor sensor network manager event processor sensor network metadata directory service sensor data mining processor application- independent data filter context aware rule processor security service USN middleware USN application sensor networks
10 9 th CJK NID WG, Beijing, China Q.25/16 Activities (6/6) Overview on H.snmf –It describes sensor network management framework intended to provide integrated management functionalities for heterogeneous sensor networks using Simple Network Management Protocol.
11 9 th CJK NID WG, Beijing, China Future Work Plan of Q.25/16 Future work program for Q.25/16 –Contributions on Climate change issues and general USN requirements and architectures are invited TitleWork time USN service description and requirements to mitigate climate change2009 Reference architecture of USN services2009 Sensor node identifier2009 USN application profiles specification2010 Sensor information description language2010 Middleware-relevant standards2010 Audio and video data transmission protocols over low-power wireless sensor networks 2010