Jimmy Carter and Camp David Rachel Verber Lauren Beetz
Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter was born October 1, 1924 in Plaines, Georgia He graduated form the United States Naval Academy in 1946 In 1952, Carter joined a select group of officers who were developing the world's first nuclear powered submarines Jimmy and Rosalynn were married on July 7, They had four children. Carter became president in 1976 Jimmy carter employed more women and minorities than any other previous president. Out of his 1,200 full time employees 12% were women and 16% were minorities.
Camp David Camp David is located 70 miles from the White House in the Catoctin Mountains of Maryland. Camp David was established in 1942 as a place for the President to relax and entertain
More On Camp David… Camp David was the meeting place for many historical events such as: –FDR and Winston Churchill’s planned Allie invasion of Europe in WWII –Discussions leading to the Bay of Pigs –Various discussions about the Vietnam War –Jimmy Carter’s plan to help bring peace between Egypt and Israel.
Egyptian-Israeli Conflict Israel and the Arab Nations had been at war with each other for several years, the most recent being 1967, 1973, and They were fighting over land territory, mainly the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, and the West Bank.
Egypt During 1977, The democratic President of Egypt was Anwar El- Sadat. Throughout his presidency, he wanted to make peace with Israel in hopes to takeover the Sinai Peninsula.
Egypt’s Opinion Egypt was upset because Israel captured the Golan Heights from Syria, the West Bank including East Jerusalem from Jordan, and the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt.
Israel The Prime Minister of Israel during 1977, was Menachem Begin. He also wished for peace with Egypt and tried to do so through the Camp David Accords.
Israel’s Opinion Israel believed that they deserved the land that they captured because it held their holy land from long ago.
“The Camp David Accords rank as one of the most important achievements of the Carter administration. First, they opened the way to peace between Egypt and Israel, which transformed the entire political, military, and strategic character of the Middle East dispute. Genuine peace between Egypt and Israel meant there would be no major Arab-Israeli war, whatever the position of other Arab groups.” - Cyrus Vance (Secretary of State)
Carter’s Invitation Jimmy Carter saw that the peace negotiations between Egypt and Israel were not going so well, so he sent Secretary of State, Cyrus Vance, to invite them to Camp David. He thought he might be able to do something to help.
Carter Plays Peacekeeper Carter’s attempt at playing peacekeeper was a success, they managed to agree upon certain settlements amongst themselves. These settlements are known as The Camp David Accords
The Camp David Accords The framework for the Camp David Accords was put together at Camp David, but The Camp David Accords were signed on September 17, 1978 at the White House not Camp David Israel agreed to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula, which they had occupied since Egypt agreed to become the first Arab Nation to acknowledge Israel as a nation. Egypt and Israel agreed not to use force to settle disputes The Accords also forced both countries to settle the disputes of: –Elected representatives of the inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, –The security of Israel and its neighboring countries –Admissions of displaced persons from Gaza and the West Bank –The inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza. –Military arrangements
Pictures of Camp David Accords
The Aftermath The Camp David Accords set an example to the rest of the Arab Nations surrounding Israel, that peaceful negotiations with Israel were possible.