Vitamins and Minerals Vitamins and minerals make people's bodies work properly. Although you get vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat every day, some foods have more vitamins and minerals than others.
Vitamins and Minerals There are two types of vitamins: Soluble in fat: A, D, E, K Soluble in water: B-complex vitamins and C
Vitamins and Minerals Vitamins are organic substances whereas minerals are inorganic substances. What do they do? Support normal growth and development, and help cells and org ans do their jobs. They are essential for the body to be able to use the other nutrients effectively.
Vitamins and Minerals They are needed in only very small amounts. They are usually provided in the foods of a balanced diet.
Vitamin A(Retinol) It is generally found in liver diary products and eggs. Poor night vision is seen when it is not enough for the body. Carrot helps you to see at nights.
Vitamin A
Vitamin B It is found in corn, whole cereals, eas, beans, yeast extract. Beri-beri is seen when it is abscence. There are many types of Vitamin B.
Vitamin B
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) It is found in cherries, citrus, fruits.(lemon, orange, fresh green vegetables) Scurvy is seen when it is not enough for the body. Also protects cells form ageing. Orange helps your body heal if you get a cut.
Vitamin C
Vitamin D (calciferol) As vitamin A it is found in liver, diary products, eggs and fish liver oil. Its deficiency causes rickets. Milk helps your bones.
Vitamin D
Vitamin E It is found in corn, nut, green leafy vegatables, and oils. It slows down the development of alzheimer’s disease. It protects cells and tissues.
Vitamin E
Minerals Iron: It is found in red meat, liver and some leafy vegetables, such as spinach. Deficiency of iron causes anemia. Calcium: found in milk, cheese and fish. Deficiency of this causes several problems: weak bones and teeth, poor clotting of blood and uncontrolled muscle contractions
References: Google images on/vitamins_minerals.html on/vitamins_minerals.html /April2002/vitaturk.htmhttp:// 2002/April2002/vitaturk.htm IGCSE Biology Book