Establishing a Culture of Priestly and Religious Vocations 1 FIVE STAR PROGRAM
Five Star Program Parishes want to establish a “culture of vocations” The question is, “How to do it?” Serra Clubs A Catholic organization that promotes priestly and religious vocations Have organized five steps for you to follow 2
FIVE STAR PROGRAM Marriage, Single Life, Religious and Priestly Vocations We focus on religious and priestly vocations Priestly and religious vocations are everyone’s business. 3
SERRA will help! The Five Star Program Well organized for YOUR parish. Detailed explanations on website Information to obtain needed resources All resources free except traveling kit Let’s Get Started 4
Star One: The Traveling Chalice* Directly involves people in the parish Parishioners take the chalice home and pray. It may be the first time they pray for religious vocations It provides an opportunity to invite other Catholics to pray with you *A crucifix can be substituted for a chalice but we will use the chalice in our discussions 5
Traveling Chalice Priest presents Chalice at Mass to parish family The family takes the chalice home, displays it, and prays before it each day Record the family’s or person’s thoughts in a journal 6
Traveling Chalice To implement Obtain support of pastor Select key person to run the program Secure traveling chalice, case and journal Encourage, publicize, schedule and remind Program should continue at least 26 weeks Program develops a rhythm 7
Components of Program A Chalice or crucifix Carrying Case Memory Book Vocation Prayers See resource material 8
Star Two: Bulletin Announcements Bulletin Announcements Increase awareness about vocations Stimulate thoughts about life’s journey Encourage a fulfilling holy life These announcements address all vocations 9
Bulletin Announcements Announcements are on the website. Announcements encourage the parish to explore vocations Announcements include possible publicity announcements for items in the Five Star Program 10
Bulletin Announcements Announcements can be given to individual that prepares the bulletin Varied sizes make it easy to find one that fits the occasion and space Available to copy and paste or print from the website also. 11
Star Three: “The 31 Club” Promoting prayer for vocations is at the heart of our mission and makes parishioners aware of their role. This “no dues, no meetings club” is a great way to stimulate the “culture of vocations” 12
The “The 31 Club” Parishioners sign up to attend Mass or pray one day each month for vocations Secure or make a large poster calendar Mount on foam board with attached pencil Publicize for participants Repeat each year Display calendar 13
Star Four: Celebrate Priestly & Religious Life National Vocation Events Priesthood Sunday (Fall) World Day of Prayer for Vocations Good Shepherd Sunday- the Fourth Sunday of Easter World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life National Vocation Awareness Week 14
Celebrate Priestly & Religious Life Suggest you choose one the first year Priesthood Sunday might be a good start Shows appreciation for our clergy Highlights priestly vocations Great ideas to choose from on website Holy Cards Reception Vocation homily And more 15
Star Five: Holy Hour Holy Hour for priestly and religious vocations Schedule a convenient time Publicize Gather and pray Check out suggested prayers/script on website Some parishes do this weekly or monthly 16
Five Star Program Celebration After one year Celebrate with a social time for participants Honor key person and pastor Use names gathered to form a parish vocation committee 17
Promoting vocations… The priestly vocation is a gift from God. It is undoubtedly a great good for the person who is its first recipient. But it is also a gift to the Church as a whole, a benefit to her life and mission. The Church, therefore, is called to safeguard this gift, to esteem it and love it. She is responsible for the birth and development of priestly vocations. —Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation, Pastores Dabo Vobis, Chapter IV – Come And See 18
Five Star Program Pray hard Work Diligently Create a CULTURE OF VOCATIONS in your parish 19
Thank you Thank you for promoting a culture of vocations in your parish Thank you for working to answer the question… WHO WILL SERVE ON YOUR ALTAR IN THE FUTURE? 20