Health, Safety and Environmental Update July 2015 Purpose: The intention of this briefing is to pull together and share both Optimise and other contractor information rather than issue in an ad-hoc manner. It is the briefing manager’s responsibility to ensure this information is put in context and explained in a manner suitable for their audience. They are also required to ensure the attendance sheet is completed (back page) and submitted to A copy of the whole briefing should also be displayed on office/depot and site notice boards.
Contents: Headlines Summer is here! Optimise News Senior Manager Stand-down Covering for absence Safe and secure sites ADN 026 – flange adapter injury From the hub TW Monthly safety focus – hit by External alert – confined spaces Briefing attendance record
HSE Headlines With the summer holidays nearly upon us, it is essential that we consider the impact that this may have on our work activities. Our focus for this month is on: Ensuring that we effectively plan and manage periods of change especially where personnel are taking leave. This includes making sure that everyone is clear about what is expected of them Keeping sites safe and secure. Please take a moment to think about your sites and how attractive they can be to inquisitive children. Unfortunately children do not always recognise the dangers faced by construction sites and therefore it is imperative that we take steps to protect them from harm. Flange Adapter Incident Our investigation into the serious incident involving a flange plate adapter, has enabled us to obtain some important learning points and resulted in the issue of ADN026 – a copy of which is included within this pack. Please make sure you familiarise yourself with the contents and implement all required actions.
Senior Manager Stand-down On 24 June all senior managers were invited to attend a stand down morning event in Denham. The stand down was well attended, focussed on the importance of change management and also sought to ensure that the health, safety and wellbeing of our teams remains in the forefront of everyone’s thoughts, during the challenges we face through the delivery of the remainder of this contract. Engagement and feedback from the event was excellent, with both CAPEX NL and TV teams taking away specific actions that will help ensure that the remainder of the programme is delivered safely.
This month we would like to raise awareness of the importance of managing change, including covering for absence. As we are all aware, periods of change can often result in poor planning of activities and lead to an increase in incidents. If you are planning any leave of more than 3 consecutive days, it is essential that you complete the following steps: Step 1 – Complete ‘FOR397 - site management handover H&S checklist’ (or use JV Partner equivalent) Step 2 – Have a restful break! Covering for absence
Keeping sites safe & secure Each year, children and other members of the public are injured or killed as a result of construction work. We must ensure suitable arrangements are in place to prevent unauthorised access to our sites. Hazards and risks to members of the public include: Falling into openings and excavations Slips and trips in pedestrian areas Unauthorised use of plant and equipment Poor storage, use or disposal of substances Collisions due to moving vehicles To keep your site’s safe, make sure you: Provide properly secured site fencing or barriers that are regularly inspected and maintained Back fill or cover excavations wherever possible. Fence areas with open excavations with open mesh fencing Control access to sites - keep gates closed when not in use Provide protection against obstructions in public areas Leave all plant and equipment secure Keep hazardous substances securely stored Vulnerable groups – Pay particular attention to vulnerable people especially children who do not have the ability to perceive danger in the same way as adults do.
Health and Safety Alerts from the ‘Health & Safety Hub’. The Health & Safety Hub is an essential tool to share best practice and learn from other contractors. The following slides include extracts and reminders from lessons learnt which should be shared