Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA, Inc. Page 1 Introduction to Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA Inc.
Page 2 Group Purpose Includes anyone in career transition * Recent college grads, veterans * Laid-off workers, * Unemployed or underemployed professionals, * Persons re-entering the job market, * Struggling small business owners, * Retirees looking for part time work. Group members assist each other with: * Techniques, suggestions and resources to improve job search, * Support and help with personal and professional networking to find a position, * Resources are available at area libraries to assist with computer searches and useful career sites. Reminder – your job search effort / campaign / project is YOUR responsibility; we are here to provide help and support. A cost free peer volunteer support & networking group for adults who are actively looking for work and would like to re-invigorate their job search.
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA, Inc. Page 3 NHN Mission Network of peer volunteer support & networking groups Community based approach * Helping under-employed and unemployed residents get back to work Ethos ‘pay it forward’ * Asks all associates (members) to contribute to other members by sharing job search Techniques Professional career development resources Personal referrals Generally provide a forum to empower, energize and focus members on their job search. NhN is a network of volunteer peer led job search networking and support groups that follow a community-based approach to help under-employed and unemployed residents get back to work. NhN embraces a ‘pay it forward’ ethos, asking all associates to contribute to other members by sharing job search techniques, related professional career development resources, personal referrals and generally providing a forum where members feeling empowered, energized and focused on the job search.
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA, Inc. Page 4 NHN Goals & Core Behaviors Goals * Provide compassionate, nonjudgmental support to members through Networking Coaching Leadership experience Camaraderie * Partner with community business leaders to match members with Job openings Volunteer and/or Paid consulting opportunities * Expand Network reach throughout local communities New York-New Jersey metro area Eventual expansion into other states Core Behaviors * Be positive in approach and encourage others * Remain positive when facing the inherent challenges of the job search * Be compassionate and firm, as needed * Maintain a productive meeting atmosphere for consistent results orientation * Be active in respective home towns by developing the group and its role in each community * Take the extra step to help members by sharing personal network and job leads.
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA, Inc. Page 5 Typical NHN Agenda led meeting Open Meeting * New members complete contact info sheet * Career Center announcements Facilitator/Moderator * Brief introduction group mission ground rules Group Introductions * Elevator Pitch: 30 second pitch by each attendee (examples provided) * Return to New Members for some additional time Status Updates * All members update group on job search efforts and progress for the past week Job Leads/Opportunities (from all) * Request / Share contacts * Hot companies * Upcoming Networking Events * Lessons Learned this week * Volunteering Opportunities Open Discussion * Group Open Discussion Specific Calls for Help (from all) * Share tips on tools like Linkedin * Encourage all members to send job leads to : John Fugazzie – Founder/Leader of NhN organization for forwarding / sharing Other Business (from all) Close
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA, Inc. Page PLEASE Be Courteous --- Turn your cell phones on silent/vibrate mode during the meeting; If required, take calls outside meeting area Late Arrivals - please take a seat in the back of the room so as not to disturb the group in progress Meeting recaps will not be provided for latecomers after the meeting Being on time is an important discipline and shows respect for others Thank you
* No talking during another persons’ elevator pitch – please allow them to finish * Provide constructive feedback to help the other person refine their elevator pitch Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA, Inc. Page 6 Elevator Pitch Ground rules What is the Purpose of an Elevator Pitch? * This is your “branding statement” - What you have to offer that makes you interesting and unique * Gets people interested in you * Presents your value proposition * Used in a social situation like a networking event or meeting * Practice until it becomes second nature and flows naturally
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA, Inc. Page 8 Components of a Good Elevator Pitch * 15 to 30 seconds in length Content - answers three questions: Who are you? What do you do? What are you looking for? Begin and end your pitch with your name. Don’t speak the way you write – sound like a real person, not an infomercial What is your “value proposition”? Your expertise? What problem can you solve for a potential employer? Focus your message on your listener's needs (WIFM - What’s in It for Me?) Turning your pitch into a question makes it more interesting. If you’re a professional organizer, ask “You know that pile of papers you’ve got somewhere in your house that you’ve been meaning to get through? As a professional organizer, I help people finally get through it.” Eliminate industry jargon – speak using every day language. Environment Be aware of your environment Speak up if in a large crowded or noisy room, Speak in a normal voice if talking-one-on-one Body Language Stand in a relaxed manner, act confidently, and SMILE! Look your audience directly in the eyes Try to avoid folding your arms (defensive posture) or clasping your hands - Keep your arms at your side, look relaxed!
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA, Inc. Slide 9 Elevator Pitch Example Use benefit-focused terminology to convince an interviewer that you have the experience, savvy and skills to get the job done at his or her business. Compare the following: “I am a human resources professional with 10 years experience working for consumer products companies.” vs. “I am a human resources professional with a strong track record in helping to identify and recruit top-level talent into management.” Elevator Pitch for Project Management Hi, my name is ____________. Let me give you an example of one of my most successful projects. I was leading a virtual team across 3 competing companies in a project mandated by the European Regulatory Agency. My role was to plan and lead the monthly meetings where we decided how to test and validate our methods and where the labs compared their data. I am happy to report that we came up with a methodology that became an international standard, despite one company’s up-front stated goal to drag the project out as long a possible. My name is ___________, and I am interested in taking on scientific challenges in an emerging biotech firm. Elevator Pitch Template for a Life Coach Hi, my name is ____________. I work with women who are facing divorce. I was working with a client recently whose husband announced that he had a girlfriend and wanted a divorce. Rather than staying mad, she joined my coaching program and took charge of the situation. She kicked him out, changed the locks, filed for divorce, and ended up saving the marriage. I’m _______ and while I can’t always guarantee that result I can empower you in your relationships.
Next Steps What can the NHN group members do for you? Describe the position / type of work you’re looking for Your target industries or companies What can you provide for the group? * After you develop your pitch, deliver it to someone and ask them to tell you what they heard. You may find that you have to modify it. * Practice, Practice, Practice! Practice sufficiently so that when you deliver your pitch it sounds natural, unrehearsed and memorable! Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA, Inc. Page 10 You’ve perfected your Elevator Pitch – Now what?
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA, Inc. Page 11 Additional Resources for “Elevator Pitch” For additional information / help creating an elevator pitch, refer to: including templates for a 10-second pitch and a longer, 30-second pitch. article includes examples borrowed with permission from Linda Pulford, Professional Organizer REMEMBER An elevator speech should “sum up unique aspects of your service or product in a way that excites others” “The Perfect Elevator Speech”, Aileen Pincus,June 18, 2007, Businessweek,
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA, Inc. Page 12 Additional Job Search Resources Neighbors-helping-Neighbors web site and social media groups * * LinkedIn group: Neighbors-helping- Neighbors USA * Facebook group: Neighbors-helping- Neighbors USA, Inc. * * Extensive job-search document library * Other libraries – in progress * Generating Job Leads * Open forum - Members present / share leads Associations /Groups LinkedIn groups, Alumni groups, Associations For example for IT folks: AITP, Association of Information Technology Professionals,