The Senior Citizen’s Center Amanda Pitt Lauren Buch Megan Brown Jesse Byrd
Organization Background The senior citizens center serves hundreds of elderly patrons in our community. All are required to be 65 or over in age. The center has a wide range of different personalities, abilities, disabilities, race, gender, and background. Some of the things the center offers include Wii bowling, pool, line dancing, yoga, aerobics, a full workout room, breakfast and lunch for only $2.00, quilting classes, professional presentations, women’s issues group, craft classes, computer classes, Medicare D assistance, and much, much more.
Organization Background The center is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, therefore the validity of this organization is stable. Eric, Teri, and Susan are in charge of running the facility and do a wonderful job. Eric is the manager of the entire facility and takes care of pretty much everything. Teri is the program director and is in charge of putting together all of the events, she also is Eric’s wing woman and helps with whatever she possibly can. Susan is known as “the computer lady.” She is fantastic with computers and teaches the computer classes. She also helps fix people’s home computers when she has the time. She too helps Eric and Teri with things that they need help with as well!
Purpose Wii Bowling every Friday at 12:30 Super Senior Saturday (Fall Festival) Random activities (ie…gathering materials for and putting together Blessings Mix bags one day, etc. )
Special Project Super Senior Saturday Saturday, October 30 th Bingo, lunch, fun prizes and activities
People served, demographic group, numbers served: The elderly…65 and older. Some are still married, some are widowed, some divorced, some with children, some without, some who are really ill, and some who have almost no physical disability at all, most members are either Caucasian or African American. The senior citizens center serves hundreds of individuals, some who cannot leave their homes because of disability, and others who are active members within the center. Our group focused primarily on the Wii bowling group, which varied in numbers, but typically was about people. They were VERY committed to their bowling time and would eat lunch before anyone else so they could hurry up and play!
Benefits to those served The seniors enjoyed our company during Wii bowling. When they were not focusing all their attention to the game, they were asking us questions constantly and getting to know us. Several of them would start to tell us jokes as they became more familiar with us, and one man, enjoyed playing the harmonica for us and told us the funniest stories (Don).
Personal Feelings