NCSSM Mission The mission of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, an intellectually stimulating, diverse, and collaborative community, is to: educate academically talented students to become state, national, and global leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, advance public education in North Carolina, and inspire innovation for the betterment of humankind, through challenging residential and virtual programs driven by instructional excellence and the excitement of discovery.
Programs at NCSSM Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC) NCSSM Online Student Enrichments Digital Assets
Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC) Courses Honors Aerospace and Engineering Honors Forensic Science Honors Forensic Science: Anthropology Honors Genetics and Biotechnology Honors Physics AP Environmental Science Honors African American Studies AP Calculus AB AP Statistics Honors Integrated Math 4 and Honors Precalculus
Offer courses in hard-to-staff subject areas Support STEM goals Offer advanced coursework to smaller groups of students Provide principals and counselors with scheduling flexibility Offer courses even if you cannot hire a highly qualified teacher in your area Spring 2014 Courses with room for new enrollments: NCSSM IVC: a flexible, cost-effective solution Honors Forensic Science Honors Physics
Statewide Learning Community “Seven schools have become connected across the state for this,” said MAHS Principal Dr. Sandy George. “The classes are interactive our students can see the professors and the professors can see them.”
NCSSM Custom Courses: your course, your schedule
NCSSM Online Courses: Mathematics Applied Finite Mathematics AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC Applications of Calculus/Vector Functions Partial Derivatives, Multiple Integrals, & Vector Fields (Multivariable Calculus)
NCSSM Online Courses: Sciences & Engineering Introduction to Computational Science Bioinformatics – Computational Biology Computational Chemistry Computational Medicinal Chemistry Forensic Science Forensic Accident Investigation and Material Evidence
NCSSM Online Courses: Sciences Genetics and Biotechnology Climate Change Biology Green Environmental Geology AP Environmental Science Introduction to Applied Chemistry and Engineering AP Chemistry AP Physics
NCSSM Online Courses: Humanities Eco-Criticism: Nature in Thought and Writing Introduction to International Relations Introduction to Western Political Thought Science, Catastrophe, and Culture Media Studies course in development
“NCSSM Online … allowed me to experience a lot of what the school has to offer in academics and the arts… the experience was inarguably one of the best I've ever had, and the classes I was able to take have shaped who I've become, the way I think, and my career prospects (it may sound strange to say a school known for Science and Mathematics turned me towards a career in Education, but it's true!).” NCSSM Online: educational enrichment
Dual Enrollment Option: Accept the Greater Challenge and stay engaged in your home community
Counties Represented NCSSM Online: from 20% to 54%
Supplemental Programs “I attended Labs 4 Learning… that camp was the reason I came to the school. It helped me to come out of my shell, being with students who were so similar to me and who lived so close to me. It also exposed me to new things and gave me opportunities I wouldn't have had otherwise. … This school has already changed me so much (for the better) and I can't wait to see what it will help me do in the future.”
NCSSM Courses: Hands- on and Real-time
NCSSM Enrichments: K-8 activities for teaching
NCSSM Digital Assets: YouTube, Flickr &
Integrated STEM curriculum: lessons, and multimedia digital course content for high school science, math and CTE
Summer Programs: Step Up to STEM
Summer Programs: Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics
Global Learning: out- of-state and abroad