ARVI International Conference on the Future of Fisheries Vigo, June 25 th, 2015 External Dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy Stefaan Depypere Director.


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Presentation transcript:

ARVI International Conference on the Future of Fisheries Vigo, June 25 th, 2015 External Dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy Stefaan Depypere Director International Affairs and Markets European Commission, DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Disclaimer: 1.This presentation represents solely the views of its author and cannot in any circumstances be regarded as the official position of the Commission. 2.Chatham house rules

Fishery management ÜGeneral objective – Our vision Üfoster healthy and productive oceans Ügood governance Üscience based Üno overfishing Ücompliance with rules Üp.m. new elements of reformed CFP (discard ban, regionalization, etc.) Üover and above fisheries: develop and foster ocean governance (consultation) S. Depypere

Fishery management – the international dimension EU activity in practice: Ücontribute to the International Governance system Ütake responsibility as a major producer but –even more- as the main market Ücontribute to establishing rules and guidance UN, FAO (ex: IPOA on IUU) Ümanage the system: RFMOs Üincl. scientific assessments, capacity building and monitoring control and surveillance Ücreate an inclusive system Üfoster compliance with the rules Üi.a. IUU listing S. Depypere3

Fishery management – the international dimension EU activity in practice: Üconclude access agreements access component – sector development component Üsustainability clauses in trade agreements Üempower the consumer: reform of CMO and labelling Üspecific action to eradicate IUU S. Depypere4

SFPA þdimensions: access (mixed – tuna) and cooperation þgovernance: þtight legal text (agreement and protocol) þwell defined technical conditions þscience based quantities þonly surplus (or RFMOs established limits) þspecial clauses: HR // specification of financial accounts // transparency (surplus issue!) þconflict avoidance (avoid interference with local fleet) þcapacity building // MCS þjoint management – regular dialogue (joint committees) þVMS – ERS þnon discrimination S. Depypere5

SFPA þambition þset a high standard (EU offer = best offer) þEU fleet as trusted operators þEU and MS as trusted partners þon cooperation part: good offer of capacity building þon access part:value for money for operators and European economy þlegal certainty and reliable operating conditions þmutual trust þcreate a network (see map) þcoherence with development cooperation (complementary) þfigures: þagreements: 15 (but number is growing) þbudget: 140 mio € S. Depypere6

Üeradicating IUU:main objective ( IPOA (FAO), EPOA ) ÜIUU regulation Üsystematic dialogue with partners Üpossibility to label non cooperating countries ("yellow-red cards") Üvery successful ÜSFPA :capacity building and MCS are same as those needed in IUU fight SFPA and fight against IUU S. Depypere7

Comments? Suggestions? Questions? Thank you! ARVI International Conference on the Future of Fisheries Vigo, June 25 th, 2015