E-PORTFOLIO John Castillo
3D Analyst A set of tools that lets users create, visualize and analyze two-dimensional data in a three- dimensional context
Creating a 3D scene Steps to taking the two-dimensional data in ArcMap and creating a three dimensional scene Add the two-dimensional topography data to ArcMap Apply 3D Analyst Extension and toolbar by clicking on Customize on the menu bar Select Extension, then select 3D Analyst and close the window Once 3D Analyst toolbar is open Click on ArcScence and add the two-dimensional topography data
Triangulated Irregular Network Triangulated Irregular Networks or TINs are created to help represent the surface morphology of the physical land surface or sea bottom Consists of irregularly placed set of nodes and lines using three-dimensional coordinates (x, y, and z) that form non overlapping triangular network
Creating a TIN Add two-dimensional topographical data to ArcScene Once the data is added click on Geoprocessing in the menu bar Select Arctoolbox and the Arctoolbox window will open Select 3D Analyst Tools and then select Data Management Select TIN, then select Create TIN
Once Create TIN window opens under Output TIN save under desired output Under Input select topological data that was added to ArcScence and click ok to create the TIN that will be added as a new layer Under Coordinate System enter desired coordinate system After TIN is generated appearances can be changed through the layers properties when it is right clicked in the Table of Contents under the Symbology tab
Draping and Extruding Layers over the TIN After TIN is created and desired appearance is generated for the TIN. Add additional layers to ArcScene to begin to develop 3D scene for analysis When all necessary layers are added to drape them over the TIN, right click on the layers properties in the Table of Contents Then select the Base Heights tab and check the floating on a custom surface. Under Layer offset type in desired offset number Then click the Extrusions tab and check Extrude Features in Layer and select desired extrusion height using the calculator symbol
Determining Landform Analysis from 3D Analyst To do a landform analysis with 3D Analyst the user must create a steepest path line and elevation profile To create a steepest line path and elevation profile. Open ArcMap and add necessary layers and TIN. Using the 3D analyst toolbar select the creating steepest path line and click a spot next to where you want. After that select Profiled Graph for elevation profile and then right click graph and select properties to change graph elements This is used to help determine suitable slopes to build structures on
Determining Line of Sight Analysis From 3D Analyst Using line of Sight analysis helps the user determine if obstructions will be seen from the observers view point To create a line of sight from the 3D analyst toolbar select the line of sight icon After clicking on the icon Line of Sight window pops up and select desired number of offsets for Observer and Target Then close the window and click on points that you want to conduct line of sight analysis
Determining Slope Analysis from 3D Analyst Helps the user see steepness of slopes in degrees as part of Landform Analysis to aid in development When doing slope analysis right click the TIN layer and select Properties Then select the Symbology tab and on the left side under Show select add, then select Face Slope with Graduated Color ramp and close the window After choose desired Graduated Color ramp that best suits
Displaying the Map This is done so that readers can understand the data that was analyzed as an aid for its intended use In ArcMap to switch from draft view to layout view is done by selecting View from the menu bar and then selecting Layout View Arrange the data frames in a balanced order and add other map elements such as title, scale bar, north arrow, neat line, and legend