1 User Services and Support for NESDIS Satellite Products and Services Matthew Seybold, User Services Coordinator Natalia Donoho, User Services Coordinator Thomas Renkevens, Deputy Division Chief Brian Hughes, GOES-R Data Operations Manager* NOAA Satellite and Information Service Office of Satellite and Product Operations Satellite Products and Services Division Camp Springs, Maryland, USA, *Greenbelt, Maryland, USA 2011 NOAA Direct Readout Conference, Talk 8.6 Miami, Florida, USA
2 What has my experience been like in User Services after 3 months? Question
Kindergarten banter… Desmond: “What are you? A Train, a T-Rex, or a Drummer?” Dad: : “ahh, I am a T…” Desmond: “Just say yes” Dad: “Okay, y…” Desmond: “Too LATE!” …hilarity ensues and several more rounds follow 3 Quick story - my kindergartner This is good preparation for user services! Sometimes just listen – sounding board Quick responses are essential Be prepared regarding impacts In K banter – the impact of response In U/S – the impact on users
4 User Services and Support for NESDIS Satellite Products and Services Matthew Seybold, User Services Coordinator Natalia Donoho, User Services Coordinator Thomas Renkevens, Deputy Division Chief Brian Hughes, GOES-R Data Operations Manager* NOAA Satellite and Information Service Office of Satellite and Product Operations Satellite Products and Services Division Camp Springs, Maryland, USA, *Greenbelt, Maryland, USA 2011 NOAA Direct Readout Conference, Talk 8.6 Miami, Florida, USA
Satellite & Product Operations Office of Satellite and Product Operations (OSPO): Manages the launch (w/NASA), operation and maintenance of NOAA’s environmental satellites. OSPO ensures the lasting operation of NOAA’s satellites through engineering, analysis, and maintenance of a ground system with receive stations in Wallops Island, VA; Fairbanks, AK; and Suitland, MD. Manages the operational processing system that converts satellite data into environmental products for users such as NWS, Universities, EPA, and others. OSPO is also the interface between NESDIS and the user community. OSPO also manages the direct services (DCS, Argos) and the Search and Rescue system (SARSAT). OSPO operates from Suitland, MD and Camp Springs, MD.
Products and Services “raw” data NESDIS’ Office of Satellite and Product Operations (OSPO) receives, processes, and distributes many Terabytes of satellite data each day. Applications turn “raw” data into products for analysts, scientists, managers, and others. Application Processing Product Distribution
Data Acquisition & Processing 7 Geostationary Satellites NOAA GOES – 11,12,13,14,15 EUMETSAT – MSG, Meteosat-7 (Wallops landline) JMA – MTSAT-2 (DOMSAT) Polar Satellites NOAA POES – 15,16,17,18,19 EUMETSAT – Metop-A NASA – Aura, Aqua, Terra, TRMM DoD – DMSP CNES – Jason-2 Wallops, VA Fairbanks, AK Svalbard, Norway Honolulu, HI Miami, FL Monterey, CA NASA DAACs Cape Ferguson, AUS GINI (GOES Ingest and NOAAPORT Interface) IBM Satepsdist Data Dist. Server (DDS) Dell Blade Servers (Linux) Processed Data Products Services Partners Public Private Universities
ESPC Access to Data & Products GINI (GOES Ingest and NOAAPORT Interface) McIDAS powered remapped satellite data distributed to NWS for display on AWIPS Derived products (i.e. GOES/POES Sounding Products) generated external to GINI distributed via GINI Available from NWS Broadcast and via McIDAS from select Unidata sites ReBroadcast Services: GeoNETCAST, NOAAPORT GVAR, LRIT, EMWIN, DCS, SARSAT HRPT, VHF, APT, ARGOS Internet Distribution (Web, FTP, ADDE) (links to GIS, JPG, KMZ files) Satepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov (HTTP and FTP) – download binary files (AREA) Satepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov ADDE: PUB on satepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov – public McIDASsatepsanone.nesdis.noaa.gov
ESPC Access to Data & Products SATEPSDISTx (1-7) – McIDAS ADDE Based – Registration Required Serves real time and remapped imagery from GOES, POES, MTSAT, Meteosat-9/7, NASA/EOS Serves Derived products from GOES, POES, DMSP, TRMM Serves Model and InSitu (observations, forecasts) Data DDS – Registration Required AIX server delivers primarily polar products for use in polar derived product and for assimilation into NWP Level 1b and various Level 2 products (BUFR, Text) DAPE (SPP) Data exchange of Air Force, Navy, NESDIS, NWS Largely derived products such as from SSM/I, GOES Winds
Satellites measure radiant energy Algorithms use satellite data to create products Environmental products distributed to users Users input products into computer model simulations of the atmosphere Using satellite data and models together, forecasters can accurately predict environmental conditions Putting all the data together, scientists can better warn the public of pending disasters Using these products to construct a “picture” of the environment. These datasets are input into complex computer model simulations of the atmosphere Products Benefit to Society
Direct Service Operations Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN): NOAA satellites relay critical information to and from emergency response centers across the country. Low Resolution Image Transmission (LRIT): NOAA satellites are used to relay satellite and weather products to users in remote locations, that do not have landlines or internet connections. Data Collection: NOAA satellites are used to collect and relay scientific data from around the globe Search and Rescue: NOAA satellites are used to relay distress alerts from aviators, mariners and land-based users. Geonetcast Americas Data from NOAA for diverse societal benefits including agriculture, energy, health, climate, weather, disaster mitigation, biodiversity, water resources, and ecosystems.
Satellite Products & Services Division Within OSPO, the Satellite Products & Services Division serves as the primary interface with the user community of environmental satellite data and products: Works alongside research in the development of products and services from NOAA’s satellites Evaluates new products for operational usefulness Solicits feedback from users on the performance and usefulness of operational satellite products and services Provides analysis and interpretation of satellite products; natural hazard mitigation Manages the data collection and Search and Rescue missions on board the NOAA satellites Provides unique services such as VisLab Content, Web Pages, GIS, Google Earth.
User Services Provides notifications to users and stakeholders of any type of activity affecting product ingest, processing or distribution Event Driven Notifications Routine Administrative Notifications Maneuvers, Eclipse Seasons, Solar RFI Maintains “One Stop Shop” Help Desk responsible for the monitoring of many operational OSPO products and services, and serves as the “first line” information portal for users with problems or questions about products. Serves as the conduit of information between users and the Product Area Leads (PALs), concerning inquiries about product or dissemination specifics. Enhances the knowledge transfer between OSPO and stakeholders, concerning new or enhanced products or services, changes to operational or experimental satellite systems, and facilitates the transition of products from research to operations (R 2 O)
User Services Maintaining information portals to enhance the flow of information between OSPO/SPSD and users: Updated web page with FAQ, contacts, and archive of all notifications lists (current), GTS bulletin headers (NOUS71 KNES and NOUS72 KNES) Acquiring Help Desk/CRM Tools with user “portals” for instant access to information Integrating web based information delivery pages with existing SOCC status charts Involved in the development and deployment of the Satellite Product End to End Documentation System (SPEEDS)
User Services – Help Desk A Concept of Operations (ConOps) was developed for OSPO User Services to assist with the development, integration, and enhancement of all user services: Customer Relationship Management User Inquiries including Data Access Problem Reporting Data ingest, processing, and distribution status charts Satellite and instrument status Facility / IT status Routine and scheduled satellite events Help Desk Process Improvements Various meetings are held with stakeholders (NESDIS and NWS) to solicit feedback and suggestions on User Notifications. Help Desk procedures regarding User Notification and Management Escalation are being re-written to generate notifications and management calls with greater ease and efficiency. All operational products and applications are currently being vetted to determine notification requirements, management escalation, and user impacts.
User Services - Outreach Actively engaging users, stakeholders, and potential customers to discuss the types of products and services we provide Soliciting feedback from existing users on our performance Continually assessing user requirements, and ensuring that we meet and exceed those requirements Briefing users on the process to set up new or enhances satellite products and services through the SPSRB Future – Use of Social Media & Web 2.0, including Twitter, RSS feeds, mobile- friendly web pages
“Snapshot” of SPSD Users NWS Forecast Offices, National Centers, and River Forecast Centers National Marine Fisheries Service, National Ocean Service World Meteorological Organization (WMO) European Weather Center, UKMET Bureau of Reclamation NASA Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center Private Weather Companies (Accu-Weather, WSI, DTN/Meteorologix, etc) National Snow and Ice Data Center, National Ice Center Various Worldwide Universities Department of Defense (Air Force Weather Agency) Environmental Protection Agency Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) US Airlines (United, Continental, American, Atlas) Meteorological Watch Offices in Mexico, Central America, South America, and Caribbean EUMETSAT Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA)
What does the future hold? GOES-R and JPSS each bring a set of unique challenges and opportunities to User Services: Increase of raw data and products User Education and Training Proving Grounds and Working Groups Working with NDE and GOES-R to develop and vet user requirements Ensure users are “ready” for the next generation
Websites & Contacts Satellite Products & Services Division/Satellite Analysis Branch: Office of Satellite and Product Operations: To subscribe to the ESPC Notification list, send an to: and/or or call (301) ESPS Help Desk: or (301)
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