My SideWalks Level B Unit 1, Week 2, Day 3 Outer Space My SideWalks Level B Unit 1, Week 2, Day 3
Objectives Word Work: Phonemic Awareness (Blending Sounds); Phonics Fluent Word Reading Review high frequency words Review and Introduce new Amazing Words Read or Listen to a passage: “It Fell from Space,” 42
Word Work is For this word, the sound for “i” is /i/ and the sound for “s” is /z/. Listen as I blend the sounds together. What is the word? pink For this word, the sound for “p, i, nk are /p/-/i/-/ngk/). What is the word?
Let’s blend some words together!!! Word Work Let’s blend some words together!!!
Word Work /i/-/t/
Word Work /f/-/i/-/x/
Word Work /s/-/i/-/ngk/
Word Work /s/-/i/-/ng/
Word Work Great Job Blending!
Word Work fig You can read this word because you know that “i” can stand for /i/. What sound does “i’ stand for in this word? What’s the word? A fig is a small, sweet fruit.
Word Work fig You can read this word because you know that “i” can stand for /i/. What sound does “i’ stand for in this word? What’s the word? A fig is a small, sweet fruit.
pick, bang, sink Word Work When you come to a new word, look at all the letters in the word and think about its vowel sound. Say the sound in the word to yourself, and then read the word. Watch me. When you come to a new word, what are you going to do?
Word Work Let’s read some words together. Remember to look at all the letters, think about the vowel sound, and say the letter-sounds to yourself. We will read words with short i, ng, and nk. When the word appears on the slide, I will count to three and on three we will read the word together.
Word Work pit
Word Work lick
Word Work gang
Word Work bank
Word Work pig
Word Work Rick
Word Work sank
Word Work hang
Word Work think
Word Work When I read a sentence, I read each word without stopping between the words. If I come to a word I don’t know. I blend it. Then I read the sentence again. Listen to me read this sentence. It is a big bank.
Now it is your turn to read a sentence. Word Work Now it is your turn to read a sentence.
Word Work Rick sang a song.
Word Work I have a pink wig.
Word Work I think that is Frank.
feeling scared about something Can you use afraid in a sentence? High Frequency Words afraid feeling scared about something Can you use afraid in a sentence?
Can you use so in a sentence? High Frequency Words so Can you use so in a sentence?
something that happens that you did not plan High Frequency Words surprise something that happens that you did not plan Can you use surprise in a sentence?
Feeling upset about something Can you use worry in a sentence? High Frequency Words worry Feeling upset about something Can you use worry in a sentence?
Amazing Words Today you will read about how some children found a space rock that took a journey to Earth from another part of the universe.
Take out your student reader and turn to page 42. Amazing Words Take out your student reader and turn to page 42.
Amazing Words In this story, children find a rock that took a journey through space. A journey is a long trip. When a family drives for several days to go somewhere, they go on a journey. Have you ever gone on a journey with your family. Where did you go?
Amazing Words The space rock in the story is part of the universe. The universe is made up of everything there is. The universe includes Earth, the Sun, the moon, and all other planets and stars in the sky. Are trees and grass part of the universe. What else makes up the universe?
Now let’s review all of our Amazing Words for this week!
The astronauts ascend to outer space in their spaceship. Amazing Words ascend to go up The astronauts ascend to outer space in their spaceship.
The astronauts descend back to Earth in their spaceships. Amazing Words descend go down The astronauts descend back to Earth in their spaceships.
orbit to go around a planet or something else in space Amazing Words orbit to go around a planet or something else in space When the astronauts are in outer space, they orbit Earth.
The astronauts took a journey into space. Amazing Words journey A long trip The astronauts took a journey into space.
The sun and moon are part of our universe. Amazing Words universe Everything there is The sun and moon are part of our universe.
Let’s say our Amazing Words again!
Amazing Words ascend
Amazing Words descend
Amazing Words orbit
Amazing Words universe
Amazing Words journey
Listen to a Passage Today you are going to learn how to find the main idea of a story. The main idea of the most important idea. As you read, ask yourself what the whole story is all about. For example, I can find the main idea of the story “Blue Jack” that we read last week. I think about what happened in the story and decide on the most important idea. Jack and Dad bought food and ate a snack. They talked to Mack. What is the story all about? It is about Jack and Dad doing different things together as they visited shops.
Listen to a Passage Listen to this short story. What is it about? A family moves in to a new home. The family has a mom and two children. They paint the house blue. What is the main idea of this story?
Listen to a Passage On page 42 of your student reader, a dad is talking to his sons. What do you notice about his sons?
On page 46, what did the children find? Describe the rock? Listen to a Passage On page 46, what did the children find? Describe the rock?
Listen to a Passage Look on page 48. The twins show the rock to their dad. Look at their faces. They look surprised. Why?
Listen to a Passage Now turn to the person next to you and talk about the pictures in this story using the same words I did.
You will read this word in the story. The word is space. Say the word. Listen to a Passage space You will read this word in the story. The word is space. Say the word.
Listen to a Passage Turn back to page 42. Let’s listen to the story? Please do your best listening. I will ask questions to monitor your comprehension after the story.
Listen to a Passage “It Fell from Space,” p.42
What is the story all about? Listen to a Passage What is the story all about?
What did the children go to pick up? Listen to a Passage What did the children go to pick up?
What surprising thing happen instead? Listen to a Passage What surprising thing happen instead?
Where did the big rock come from? Listen to a Passage Where did the big rock come from?
Review Amazing and High Frequency Words Let’s read these words together!
Review Amazing and High Frequency Words afraid
Review Amazing and High Frequency Words surprise
Review Amazing and High Frequency Words so
Review Amazing and High Frequency Words ascend
Review Amazing and High Frequency Words descend
Review Amazing and High Frequency Words orbit
Review Amazing and High Frequency Words journey
Review Amazing and High Frequency Words universe
Tomorrow’s Objectives Word Work: Phonics: Spiral Review Review High Frequency Words Review Amazing Words Read or Listen to a Passage: “What Would You Wear in Outer Space,” p.50