university independence Getting ready for university/ a career/ independence of course HOW EXCITING
What skills have you developed since starting your ‘A’ level course? Which skills would you like to improve further?
UCAS reference – what are universities and employers looking for? Flexibility – An ability to apply subject knowledge and understanding to different contexts or situations Motivation/curiosity – demonstrated by quality of research/independent study Analytical skills - An ability to present coherent arguments and skills of evaluation Confidence to be original and show independence of thought Organisational skills – time management, presentation of work Communication skills - oral and written powers of expression
social competencies As well as academic skills – social competencies are also highly valued Self-confidence Enthusiasm Maturity Leadership Sociability Collaboration/cooperation skills - working with others Internal Locus of Control Resilience Growth mind set Hardy personality
How many people did you see? There are at least 10 and the most frequently missed is the baby in the woman's arms. But what has this got to do with 21 st Century thinking ?
What connects these images?
What will you be learning about in the coming year? Here is an opportunity to demonstrate evidence of your Motivation Curiosity Genuine Interest Commitment to the course Willingness to follow instructions Have you seen the specification? If you have been keeping up to date with the blog you will know I asked you to read through the specification for Unit 3 and Unit 4 Collect a white board
Topics in Psychology’ Unit 3 – PSYA3 ‘Topics in Psychology’ list the topics you can choose to study in unit 3 Q1: list the topics you can choose to study in unit 3 (a) Biological rhythms and sleep (b) Perception (c) Relationships (d) Aggression (e) Eating behaviour (f) Gender (g) Intelligence and learning (h) Cognition and development
Q2: How many do we actually study? Q3: The unit 3 exam lasts how long? 1.30 hours 3
Topics in Psychology’ Unit 3 – PSYA3 ‘Topics in Psychology’ 25% of the total ‘A’ Level marks. 1 hour 30 minutes exam 3 essay questions chosen from eight topics: (a) Biological rhythms and sleep (b) Perception (c) Relationships (d) Aggression (e) Eating behaviour (f) Gender (g) Intelligence and learning (h) Cognition and development QWC will be assessed in each essay
Unit 4 – PSYA4 Unit 4 – PSYA4 Psychopathology, Psychology in Action and Research Methods Phobic Disorders Anomalous experience Anomalous experience Designing research and making sense of data Designing research and making sense of data
Psychopathology one Develop knowledge and understanding of models, classification and diagnosis of one disorder, either: schizophrenia depression phobic disorders obsessive compulsive disorder
Psychology in Action Anomalistic psychology - The study of anomalous experience Pseudoscience and the scientific status of parapsychology Methodological issues related to the study of paranormal cognition (ESP, including Ganzfeld) and paranormal action (psychokinesis) Explanations for anomalous experience The role of coincidence and probability judgements in anomalous experience Explanations for superstitious behaviour and magical thinking Personality factors underlying anomalous experience Research into exceptional experiences. Psychological research into and explanations for psychic healing, near-death and out of body experiences, and psychic mediumship
Research Methods understand the application of scientific method in psychology design investigations understand how to analyse and interpret data arising from investigations, report on practical investigations. In order to gain sufficient understanding of the design and conduct of scientific research in psychology, you will need to practise these skills by carrying out, analysing and reporting small-scale investigation.
Text Book Choice ?? Look in the library or the psychology shelves – see what is available – Choose what is right for you
Developing a routine DAYWORK MondayLearn your studies: make revision cards, APRC each study etc. TuesdayMini prep – complete tasks started in lesson WednesdayMini prep – complete tasks started in lesson ThursdayPrep hand-in day New prep given – do your prep as soon as you get it FridayConsolidation reading – read your text book again, explore the internet/alternative sources of information. U-TUBE SaturdayFREE – if you are fully up to date SundayPre-reading – read ahead. Work out what’s coming next and start thinking about the topic and generating questions.
As for me – I will be busy too! DAYWORK MondayResearching, reading different sources of information –looking at the teaching materials to see if I can improve them. Writing the blog. Planning and writing feedback. TuesdayResearching, reading different sources of information –looking at the teaching materials to see if I can improve them. Writing the blog. Planning and writing feedback. After school clinic WednesdayResearching, reading different sources of information –looking at the teaching materials to see if I can improve them. Writing the blog. Planning and writing feedback. Staff meeting ThursdayResearching, reading different sources of information –looking at the teaching materials to see if I can improve them. Writing the blog. Planning and writing feedback. FridayAfter school clinic and prep catch-up. Researching, reading different sources of information –looking at the teaching materials to see if I can improve them. Writing the blog. Planning and writing feedback. SaturdayCatching up with writing feedback, catching up on s, dealing with dept. admin etc SundayFree
TO SUMMARISE… DAYWORK ThursdayPrep day - prep taken in and new prep given out Friday after schoolAnyone who misses prep deadline on Thursday will be given a COMPULSARY homework detention for as long as it takes to complete the assignment. I WILL BE CARRYING OUT RANDOM SPOT CHECKS OF FOLDERS AND WORK SHEETS - STAY ORGANISED –KEEP UP TO DATE