American Business Media: The Basics Founded in 1906.Founded in More than 300 members reach a U.S. audience of more than 100 million.More than 300 members reach a U.S. audience of more than 100 million. Approximately 2,500 print publications.Approximately 2,500 print publications. Approximately 2,500 on-line titles.Approximately 2,500 on-line titles. Approximately 1,000 trade shows.Approximately 1,000 trade shows. Approximately 3,000 web sites.Approximately 3,000 web sites. More than $20 billion in revenues.More than $20 billion in revenues.
Companies Represented On ABM’s Board Of Directors Hanley Wood LLCHanley Wood LLC PennWell Corp PennWell Corp Ascend MediaAscend Media IDG CommunicationsIDG Communications Meister Media WorldwideMeister Media Worldwide Lebhar-Friedman, Inc.Lebhar-Friedman, Inc. Penton MediaPenton Media Farm Progress Companies Advanstar CommunicationsFarm Progress Companies Advanstar Communications The Nielsen CompanyThe Nielsen Company Canon Communications LLCCanon Communications LLC Crain CommunicationsCrain Communications ALMALM Randall-Reilly PublishingRandall-Reilly Publishing Edgell CommunicationsEdgell Communications The McGraw-Hill CompaniesThe McGraw-Hill Companies Reed Business InformationReed Business Information OutsellOutsell 1105 Media, Inc.1105 Media, Inc. Vance Publishing CorpVance Publishing Corp CMP Media LLCCMP Media LLC Stamats Business MediaStamats Business Media Ziff Davis Media, Inc.Ziff Davis Media, Inc.
American Business Media: What It Does Resources for members and non- members.Resources for members and non- members. Reports, research and studies from ABM and from Committees and Councils.Reports, research and studies from ABM and from Committees and Councils.
ABM Committees & Councils: 700 Participating Member Employees Agri CouncilAgri Council Business DevelopmentBusiness Development Business Information CouncilBusiness Information Council CirculationCirculation Continuing EducationContinuing Education Custom MediaCustom Media Digital Media CouncilDigital Media Council EditorialEditorial Educational ServicesEducational Services Events CouncilEvents Council Government AffairsGovernment Affairs Healthcare Media CouncilHealthcare Media Council Human ResourcesHuman Resources Information PolicyInformation Policy Information TechnologyInformation Technology InternationalInternational Legal AffairsLegal Affairs MarketingMarketing Media Advisory BoardMedia Advisory Board Media PromotionMedia Promotion ResearchResearch Production and Manufacturing TechnologyProduction and Manufacturing Technology PR and Corporate CommunicationsPR and Corporate Communications PublishersPublishers Smaller PublishersSmaller Publishers Strategic Finance and OperationsStrategic Finance and Operations
867 Marketers
Events 15% Direct Mail 9% General publications 12% Marketing communications 16% TV and radio 15% Directories 3% Other 6% Online 17% Trade magazines 7% Marketers invest a significant portion of their budgets on in-person events. And for good reasons! (Base: 867 US B-to-B Marketers; Source: Forrester Consulting Services for ABM)
Business Media Study Prepared for: By: Harris Interactive Inc. Final Report June, 2006
Q400: In the past month, did you read any Business-to-Business MAGAZINES geared to professionals in your industry or line of work? Q405: In the past month approximately how many different business-to-business magazine titles did you read? Q410: In the past week how much time in total have you spent reading Business-to-Business magazines? Base: All respondents (n=588); B2B Readers (n=507); Sr. Executives (n=241); Mid-level executives (n=347) Executives report regular usage of B2B magazines. Senior executives not only read more magazines than mid-level executives, they spend more time with those magazines. A Closer Look at B2B Magazine Usage Average # of B2B Magazines read in the past month = 4.2 Average amount of time spent with B2B Magazines = 2 hours 91% of Sr. level executives, that is those who are Vice President or higher, read B2B magazines in the past month, vs. 83% of mid-level executives. Sr. level executives read an average of 4.9 B2B magazines, compared to mid-level executives who have read 3.6 B2B magazines. Sr. level executives spend, on average, 2 hours and 22 minutes with B2B magazines, compared to 1 hour and 42 minutes spent by mid-level executives.
Top-of-mind, B2B magazines continue to be the single most frequently mentioned source of information for insight about how to build business and do a better job. Top-of-Minds Mentions* Q310: What sources do you rely on for information and insight about how to build your business and do your job better? Base: All respondents (n=588) * Individual items mentioned by 5% or more of respondents listed above. (2001) (46%) (44%) (27%) (16%) (30%) (7%) (3%) (12%) (6%) (0%) (2%)
American Business Media: What Else It Does Participation in postal matters and on Capitol Hill.Participation in postal matters and on Capitol Hill. Press releases and newsletters.Press releases and newsletters. Professional development and training.Professional development and training. Internships, through BPEF.Internships, through BPEF. Marquee events and top industry awards.Marquee events and top industry awards.
Why ABM Participates In MTAC Helps shape and disseminate postal policy.Helps shape and disseminate postal policy. Represents the unique interest of smaller-circulation publications through rotating membership.Represents the unique interest of smaller-circulation publications through rotating membership. Fends off the evil empire.Fends off the evil empire.