Efficient broadband deployment & multi-service implementation European home networking platform Dominique Roche (ATTM chairman) DOCUMENT #:GSC13-GTSC6-19 FOR:Information SOURCE:ETSI Access Terminals Transmission Multiplexing AGENDA ITEM:4.3 CONTACT(S):Dominique Roche (ATTM chairman) Submission Date: June 27, 2008
2 Home networking platform is included within ETSI Access Terminals Transmission Multiplexing committee Home networking platform covers –Telecommunications Access and Home Networks including Terminal Equipment and Network Terminating Equipment. –Copper, fibre and wireless transmission supports. –Lower layers of in home networks (in collaboration with TISPAN for service implementation) Home Networking Platform (1)
3 Home networking platform has liaisons with other relevant bodies within and outside of ETSI –Strong collaboration with ITU-T SG5/SG6/SG15, ETSI EE and Energy Efficiency Inter-Operator Collaboration Group in order to support EC CoCs and efficient broadband by TS Series development TS Series on organizational architecture and general engineering –TS Customer network infrastructures –TS Efficient broadband residential physical networks –Collaboration with CENELEC by CLC/ETSI Installation & Cabling Cooperation Group in order to support broadband deployment and multi- service CLC/TC 215 for –EN Series on generic cabling –EN Series on installation of communication equipment and networks CLC/TC 205 for home gateway and control/command within customer premises, home included Home Networking Platform (2)
4 Efficient broadband & multi-service Support of efficient broadband –Energy consumption trends for different FTTx scenarios. –Definition of KPI to enable proper monitoring of the actions. Support of multi-service implementation –Efficient broadband residential physical networks. ICT position at International and Regional levels –Strong telecom position to champion used transmission protocols e.g. DSL systems in home networking.
5 Challenges In the last 30 years our energy demand has grown significantly due to digitalization of the Network and, in the last years, to the BroadBand deployment Next Generation Networks will completely change the network paradigm as the need to deliver higher and higher speed services will bring towards more distributed electronics in the access network Increasing load in customer premises will more than balance any saving actions into the network –PSOs should champion energy efficiency in developed specifications on ICT products, systems and installed ones in order to implement multi-service –PSOs should support usable residential networking guidance towards users (customers) including a greener approach
6 Next Steps/Actions ETSI/ATTM Home networking platform is welcoming any new liaison with any organization or forum in order to support –Energy efficiency. –Broadband deployment. –Multi-service implementation.
7 Supplemental Slides
8 ETSI EFFICIENT BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT SERIES Identification of most critical areas
9 ETSI EFFICIENT BROADBAND DEPLOYMENT SERIES TS Series on organizational architecture and general engineering in order to support energy efficiency on ICT areas Part 1Overview and general aspects –TS Generalities, common view of set of documents –TS Operator sites –TS Data Centre Engineering Part 2Core, regional metropolitan networks –TS Core, regional metropolitan networks Part 3Access networks –TS Access networks Part 4Customer network infrastructures –TS Customer network infrastructures –TS Efficient broadband residential physical networks Part 5Power supply cooling, general topology –TS Power supply cooling, general topology Note: TS on Data Centre is excepted by end of the year