The never ending homework assignment…
Your reading assignments are an essential component to the course because of the large amount of material covered in APUSH. The Main Idea Log will accompany each reading assignment and is designed to help you: ◦ retain more information (and thus, be able to provide more SFI on an essay) ◦ practice condensing chapters & sections of text into main idea sentences (or thesis statements) ◦ think of each chapter of a book as in the same way you think of the structure of an essay you’re writing
Main idea logs require you to synthesize information from a dark-typed heading and express it in a clear concise sentence. You are not to summarize, instead, you are to express the main point the author is trying to make in each section.
1. You are to write out and underline the dark- typed heading for both the red and blue headings (include the chapter # for red typed headings) 2. Skip one line 3. Write one clear concise sentence expressing the main idea for the entire section 4. For blue-typed headings only select the three most important bits of information (SFI) that support the main idea and write them out (these do not have to be complete sentences) 5. Do not simply copy from the textbook! Writing the main ideas and SFI in your own words will help you understand it!
1. Chapter Heading: The Planting of English America ◦ Thesis (Main Idea) – written in 1 clear, concise sentence A.Section Heading: England’s Imperial Stirrings Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information (don’t need a sentence) B.Section Heading: Elizabeth Energizes England Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information (don’t need a sentence)
C.Section Heading: England on the Eve of Empire Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information D.Section Heading: England Plants the Jamestown Seedling Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information E.Section Heading: Cultural Clashes in the Chesapeake Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information
F.Section Heading: The Indians’ New World Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information G.Section Heading: Virginia: Child of Tobacco Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information H.Section Heading: Maryland: Catholic Haven Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information
I.Section Heading: The West Indies: Way Station to Mainland America Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information J.Section Heading: Colonizing the Carolinas Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information K.Section Heading: The Emergence of North Carolina Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information
L.Section Heading: Late-Coming Georgia: The Buffer Colony Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information M.Section Heading: The Plantation Colonies Main Idea – written in 1 clear, concise sentence support information N.Concluding Sentence: Thesis (Main Idea) – written in 1 clear, concise sentence
Ask yourself, “What is the author’s main point in this section of text?” Do not simply summarize the section Instead, restate the main idea, or intent of the section, in your own words Don’t forget – 1 clear, concise sentence
Ask yourself, “what details from this section support the overall thesis, or main idea?” Think of the support information as the S.F.I. (specific factual information) needed for your essay For large sections of the textbook, there may easily be ten pieces of support information… so what do you do? ◦ Find the three most important pieces of support information that link well to thesis statement
Chapter 2 – The American Pageant – page 27 Title of Chapter (red): ◦ The Planting of English America Thesis (main idea in one clear sentence): ◦ North America remained relatively untouched by Europeans until the early seventeenth century, when the Spanish, French, and, most importantly, the English established distant claims on the new land.
Title of section (blue): ◦ England’s Imperial Stirrings Thesis (main idea in one clear sentence): ◦ In the sixteenth century, English endeavors in the Americas were weak until religious conflict between Catholics and Protestants led Elizabeth I’s troops to destroy an Irish rebellion. Supporting information: 1.England & Spain were allies = less likely to compete in Americas 2.Henry VIII split with Catholic Church (1534) – Protestant Reformation occupied England’s attention 3.Elizabeth I defeated Catholic Ireland’s attempt to revolt (1570’s – 1580’s)
Grading: ◦ Counts as a homework grade ◦ Each chapter will count as 100 points Due Date(s): ◦ Main Idea Logs are due the same day that your reading should be complete ◦ In other words… if chapter 1 of The American Pageant (pg. 2-25) must be completed by next class, that means your Main Idea Log for Ch. 1 is also due next class. ◦ Check HW page on website