1 A combined RANS-LES strategy with arbitrary interface location for near-wall flows Michael Leschziner and Lionel Temmerman Imperial College London
2 Overview 1.Motivation 2.Method Description 3.Observation from Past Work 4.Modelling practice and Methodology 5.Results for Channel Flow 6.Results for Hill Flow 7.Concluding Remarks
3 Motivation Grid requirements for LES of wall-bounded flows: Number of nodes rises as (Chapman (1979)) High Reynolds LES is prohibitively expensive Cost reducing strategies: Wall functions (Schumann (1975); Werner and Wengle (1993)); Zonal approach (Balaras et al (1996)); Hybrid RANS-LES methods (DES - Spalart et al (1997); Hamba (2001)).
4 Alternative Approaches Wall functions: Mostly based on log-law approximations; Tends to be ‘adequate’ in simple shear flows; Inadequate for separated flows (no universal behaviour). Zonal approach: Simplified set of equations resolved near the wall (TBL equations); Saving results from the removal of the Poisson problem; Not adequate for all flows.
5 Alternative Approaches Hybrid RANS-LES strategies: Part of the turbulence is modelled in the ‘RANS’ layer; Allow to use large aspect ratio cells – we hope! Location of the interface: either decided by user; or controlled by cell dimensions – compare y and = f( x, y, z) as in DES; Interface shift done via modifications of the grid: shift away from the wall higher x and z; High streamwise/spanwise resolution required in some flows (separated) even with RANS methods interface may be too close to the wall.
6 Method Description RANS layer prescribed by reference to the wall distance. RANS Layer LES Domain Imposed LES conditions at interface Imposed RANS conditions at interface
7 Observations from Previous Work In the URANS region, the resolved and the modelled contributions to the motion are of equal importance. Total is too high need of an ad hoc modification to reduce the total motion.
8 Modelling Practice RANS model: one-equation transport model for turbulence energy (Wolfshtein (1969)); SGS model: One-equation transport model for SGS energy (Yoshizawa and Horiuti (1985)) Assumption: RANS and LES grids are identical at the interface; Target: Velocity: ; Viscosity: ; Modelled energy:.
9 Methodology with hence : spatial average in the homogeneous directions.
10 Methodology Function 1 Function 2
11 Channel Flow – Case Description Periodic channel flow; ; RANS-LES and coarse LES: Computational domain: ; Grid: 64 x 64 x 32 cells with and ; Dense LES: Computational domain: ; Grid: 512 x 128 x 128 cells with.
12 Channel Flow - Results Time-averaged velocity and shear stress profiles for the LES computations. 64 x 64 x 32 cells 512 x 128 x 128 cells
13 Channel Flow - Results Time-averaged C profiles across the RANS layer (64 x 64 x 32 cells).
14 Channel Flow - Results Time-averaged velocity profiles for the hybrid RANS-LES computations (64 x 64 x 32 cells).
15 Channel Flow - Results Time-averaged shear stress and turbulent energy profiles for the hybrid RANS-LES computations (64 x 64 x 32 cells).
16 Channel Flow - Observations Encouraging results. The response to the parameters change is small. Response to the change of location of the interface: Change in the proportion of modelled motion; Variation in the width of near-wall total turbulence energy peak.
17 Hill Flow – Case Description Periodic channel flow with constrictions at both ends Reynolds number based on channel height and bulk velocity is Data from highly resolved LES computations (5 x 10 6 cells) by Temmerman et al (2003) Domain size: 9h x h x 4.5 h (h=hill height) Grid details: Discretisation: 112 x 64 x 56 cells (4 x 10 5 cells); Near-wall resolution: y + c (1) 1; Spanwise and streamwise resolution: x = z.
18 Hill Flow - Results Left: location of the RANS-LES near-wall interface. Right: Distribution of C along the interface
19 Hill Flow - Results Averaged streamlines for the reference simulation, LES, DES and RANS-LES cases. (x/h) sep. = 0.22 (x/h) reat. = 4.72 (x/h) sep. = 0.21 (x/h) reat. = 5.30 (x/h) sep. = 0.23 (x/h) reat. = 4.64 (x/h) sep. = 0.23 (x/h) reat. = x 128 x 186 cells 112 x 64 x 56 cells
20 Hill Flow - Results Left: Distribution of C across the lower RANS layer (right). Right: Streamwise velocity profiles in wall units at x/h = 2.0.
21 Hill Flow - Results Streamwise velocity profiles at x/h = 2.0.
22 Hill Flow - Results Turbulent viscosity profiles at two streamwise positions.
23 Hill Flow - Observations The location of reattachment is overestimated by the hybrid RANS-LES and DES probably because of the wrong prediction of the wall shear stress. Compared to the channel case, C has a similar behaviour. Overall, good agreement with the reference data. Difficult to draw definitive conclusions; too low Reynolds number.
24 Concluding Remarks New hybrid RANS-LES method allowing: Freedom in locating the interface; Dynamic adjustment of the RANS model to ensure continuity across the interface. For identical grids, the results obtained with the RANS-LES approach were significantly better than those obtained with LES. Application to a recirculating flow: Results are non-conclusive due to low Reynolds number new test case (separated hydrofoil at Re c = 2.15 x 10 6 ); The hybrid RANS-LES approach overestimates the recirculation zone length.