Something about Institute of Automatics, neutron generators and radiation hardness Institute of Automatics, Neutron Generators, Detectors and Radiation Hardness Andrey Sviridov
The most important defense areas of VNIIA are developments of: Nuclear weapons for the strategic and tactical platforms; Firing and neutron initiation systems for the nuclear weapons; Non-nuclear components and automatics for the nuclear weapons; Nuclear explosion monitoring equipment; Unified test & measurement equipment; Hardware and methods for measurement of the nuclear charge parameters during the experimenting activities. Defense Applications
Platforms that carry the nuclear weapons designed at VNIIA
Neutron Generators VNIIA is the only company is Russia that has the full-scale research & design, and fabrication capabilities to produce serially the portable neutron generators for variety of applications with the neutron radiation of a wide range of parameters. Neutron tubes & plasma focus chambers
Neutron Generators The neutron generators have a number of applications, such as: Petroleum and uranium well-logging; Monitoring of the industrial processes, certification of products; Detection and identification of explosives and toxic agents; Neutron therapy; Neutron radiography and tomography; Research of the physics of the nuclear reactors and the fuel assemblies; Detection and monitoring of the nuclear materials; Scientific research.
Neutron Generators Neutron generators for the radiation analysis equipment
Neutron Generators Neutron generators for the radiation analysis equipment
Neutron Generators Pulsed neutron logging equipment
Neutron Generators VNIIA neutron generators have the unique specifications: Neutron yield up to neutron/s; Pulse duration 0.01 µs to 10 ms; Pulse frequency from single up to 10 kHz. The neutron generators and hardware based on them is delivered to domestic customers, as well as to the USA, the UK, Germany, China, Japan, Italy, Israel, South Korea, and the CIS countries.
The hand-held radiation monitors are capable of detecting 0.03 g of 239Pu and 0.3 g of 235U. Hand-held radiation monitor Dosimetry, Spectrometry and Radiometry Equipment
Checkpoint equipped with the radiation monitoring system Radiation monitoring system
Equipment for Detection of Fast Processes The Institute develops and fabricates the equipment for detecting and measuring of the fast processes for the nuclear physical research and the laser emission diagnostics: Gamma and neutron detectors of the high sensitivity (up to 2·10 -9 A·cm 2 ·s/quantum), the high time resolution (0.5 to 10 ns), and the high linear current (2 to 10 A); Chronographic electronic-optical detectors of the optical radiation in the wavelength range 300 to 1053 nm and subpicosecond time resolution;
Equipment for Detection of Fast Processes The Institute develops and fabricates the equipment for detecting and measuring of the fast processes for the nuclear physical research and the laser emission diagnostics: X-ray electronic-optical detectors for X-ray plasma image in the laser nuclear fusion installations: - Chronographic electronic-optical detectors with the picosecond time resolution (3 ps) and the spectral detection range 0.1 to 10 keV; - Multi-image electronic-optical detectors with the image duration 100 ps and the number of images equal to 10.
Equipment for Detection of Fast Processes X-ray chronographic electronic-optic detector Chronographic electronic-optic detector
Equipment for Detection of Fast Processes Detectors of the pulsed neutrons and gamma rays Shockproof multi-channel detector
Equipment for Detection of Fast Processes The unique electro-vacuum devices are developed to be used in the scintillation detectors and the fast electronic-optical detectors: the photoelectron multipliers and the photo-elements of the high time resolution, the X-ray and chronographic electronic-optical converters. These devices have the linear characteristic current curve up to 10 A, the large gain factor up to 10 6, and the high time resolution (0.5 ns), so that they can be applied for detecting the subnanosecond processes. Electro-vacuum devices for scintillation detectors and electronic-optical detectors
Equipment for Detection of Fast Processes Digital TV detectors of the light radiation based on the CCD structures with the number of pixels up to 2048 x 2048 used for the direct detection of the spatial resolution of the items, and for reading out the data from the screen of the electronic-optical detectors; Multi-channel analog-to-digital converter for the signal shape and the time intervals with the sampling frequency up to 4 GHz.
Equipment for Detection of Fast Processes Multi-channel analog-to-digital converter Digital TV detector
n: MeV γ: MeV nuclear blast x : 0.01 – 0.2 MeV n : MeV µ : 2 GeV cosmic rays p : > GeV e : GeV Radiation Hardness
Catastrophic damages (complete failure) ~ Mrad. Transient effects Ionising effects Latch-up
Research Methods Imitators γ e n n p n Modeling Tests
Methods of radiation hardness Protection Distance, including taking out of sensor Blinking memory Circumvention Reservation