S TUDENT HANDBOOK PRESENTATION By : Joselin Padilla George Borboa, Angel Garcia
S USPENSION & EXPULSION A student may be suspended for any violation relating to school. Including: after school activities or coming to or going from campus. During lunch you may get suspended for any infraction, or school attendance.
A TTENDANCE P OLICY At sunnyside highschool we believe that school attendance is fundamentally the students or parents responsibility to alert the school Absense for the following reasons below are acceptable: Illness –or doctor appointment that cannot be rescheduled to after class Serious illness or death in family, religious holidays, with parent approval of parent with note or doctors note.
T RUANCY LAWS The law requires you must insure your child is at school everyday. A.R.S requires a parent having custody of student between 6-16 years old is at school full time. Failure to ensure your child is at school, is a criminal offence and will be find with 30 days of county jail.
U NEXCUSED ABSENCES Truancy and related legal statuses will be shown to parents or guardians. or phone call home. The fifth unexcused absence: will be referled or sent to intervention office placed on a conrtact. 15 unexcused student will withdtrawn from class.