Birthing Around the World
Different Birthing Methods Natural (Lamaze, Bradley Method, Hypno-birthing and Water Birth) Cesarean Section (Elected or Emergency) Home Birth Medicated Birth (Epidural, Spinal Block, Walking Epidural) Induced Birth (Pitocin, Castor Oil, Old Wives Tales)
How do birthing methods differ culture to culture? In the United States, more than 98% of births happen in a hospital, many of which use some form of pain relief. In the Netherlands, 54% of births happen at home with no form of pain medication. In Sweden, more than 99% of births take place in a hospital, many of which also use some form of pain relief.
Use of Medication in the United States Over 80% of women in the United States have their labors “augmented” (i.e., induced or sped up) with Pitocin. Pitocin causes contractions to be stronger and longer which increases the chances of a woman requesting pain medication. Epidurals, the most common form of pain relief, can slow labor. This then increases the chance of having a c-section. 50% of women who are induced, end up having a cesarean section.
Use of Medication in the Netherlands and Sweden In the Netherlands, the system does not provide for medication at all during normal birth. Relaxation and relief of discomfort and pain are managed entirely through breathing and relaxation techniques. In Sweden, many women use medication for pain and induction. The difference is it is up to her to decide if and when she wants medication.
--Marsden Wagner MD Former Director, Women’s and Children’s Health World Health Organization “We have, for 50 years, been brainwashing American women about childbirth. About how dangerous it is, about all the things that can go wrong, and how you need to be in the hospital, where all the doctors are, and all the machines are, and all the operating tables, so that we can take care of those horrendous emergencies when they occur. And it’s absolutely NOT true.” Why is the use of pain medication and hospital births so high in the United States?
Infant Mortality Rates The United States has an infant mortality rate of 7 deaths for every 1,000 live births. The Netherlands infant mortality rate is 4 deaths for every 1,000 live births. Sweden’s infant mortality rate is only 2 deaths for every 1,000 live births.
Maternal Mortality Ratio Maternal Mortality Ratio represents the risk of maternal death associated with each pregnancy. In the United States the maternal mortality ratio is 24 of every 100,000 births. In the Netherlands the maternal mortality ratio is 9 of every 100,000 births. In Sweden the maternal mortality ratio is only 5 of every 100,000 births.
Conclusion So is birth in the United States safer than other countries in the world? The statistics show it is not. Although it is safer than birth in countries such as Afghanistan where the infant mortality rate is extremely high at 165 deaths of 1,000 live births, other countries such as the Netherlands and Sweden have less infant deaths than in the United States. Maybe there is something we can learn from these countries in the way of what is safe during labor and delivery.