Frustrated with your sales numbers? Learn best in class sales practices
What We Want to Accomplish Today… Generate more revenue from your current marketing budget Gain confidence that if you spend more in marketing, you will get more in return 3
Things We Will Cover: Common mistakes that hurt sales numbers How timing plays a vital role in closing a deal Why calling more than once can be the difference between making a sale or losing a sale You can’t manage things you can’t measure 4
It Takes Both Quality Leads and Excellent Sales Practices to Successfully Grow Revenue x= Quality LeadsSales ExcellenceRevenue Growth Source: Leads360 57% of success is based on lead quality 43% is based on sales excellence Note: Because both marketing and sales sometimes point to the other side as the issue, tracking even more critical shedding light on issues that may block revenue growth. 5
What is a Quality Lead? A buyer that voluntarily shows interest… For products and services you sell… In your specific areas… That you didn’t have before… And is cost-effective. 6
Common Mistakes Companies don’t adapt to prospect’s changing buying habits Companies don’t update processes and technologies Poor response times to marketing-generated leads We have seen this in every industry… 7
Case Study-Response Audit The most recent Response Audit targeted the 3,051 attendees and sponsors of Salesforce’s Dreamforce
Even Top Companies Fail to Meet the 5 Minute Response Time Immediacy of Response Attempt TypeAverage Response Time Phone Calls1 Day, 18 hours, 15 minutes 19 Hours, 14 Minutes Overall Average response time42 Hours FAIL 9
Let Pretend…. Lets pretend you walk into Best Buy to buy that 60” LCD TV you’ve been wanting for the upcoming football season And as you approach the salesman his response is… “Come back in - 1 day, 18 hours and 15 minutes" Shocked? 10
Even Top Companies Fail to Response Persistently Persistency of Response MetricResults Average # of Phone Calls Made to New Leads1 Average # of s to New Leads0.9 Percent of Companies that Never Responded51.4% 11 FAIL
Summary of the Dreamforce Audit The audit concludes that even top companies : Don’t call fast enough Don't call persistently enough Don’t call every lead 12
What is the Cost of Losing a Quality Lead? Wasted time Giving competitors an advantage Loss of revenue Waste of marketing effort Almost half of B2B leads are never called! 13
A Trend You Don’t Want To Follow You have to ask yourself: Do you know your team’s response time? Do you know how many attempts your reps are making to reach each new lead? Are your reps calling EVERY lead? 14
Timing Makes All the Difference in the World 15
More Calls Increase the Odds of Contacting a Prospect 16 Source:
Success with Leads Goes Up With Fast Call times 16
Can’t Manage What You Can’t Track 18
85% of Companies Do Not Track Online Lead Performance What makes tracking relevant data so challenging? Most businesses have multiple sources of leads Software systems can be complex Tracking leads in a CRM or spreadsheet requires new processes Determining critical metrics is not always obvious Most sales reps are not particularly detail oriented Basing decisions on data often more difficult than telling stories about one bad lead or one great sale You Can't Manage What You Don’t Measure 19
360Partners Team Recommendations for Improving Sales Call Fast Call within the first 5 minutes of receiving the lead 78% of customers choose the first person that calls Call Often Call 6 times and get a 93% contact rate with each call attempt Call Everyone Avoid “Cherry Picking” - call every lead Use appointment setters to qualify your leads Let your best sales people do the selling and closing Track your progress Know the problem you are trying to resolve Track the key performance indicators for your goals 20
Take the 360 Challenge Take 2 Reps For 2 Weeks Follow these basic principles we just talked about And see if your revenue increases It won’t cost you anything but time to implement the program And tell us about your success 21
Questions? 22