By: Jeremy Palanza, Kyle Johnson, and Rebecca Bernardo
History of Buddhism Buddhism is a major religion in the world. It was founded around 500 BC by a religious teacher called the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama. Buddhism started in North India.
Beliefs and Impact on Society Four noble truths: 1. Life has suffering and pain 2. The suffering is from wanting illusions 3. The only way to get rid of the suffering is to overcome the desire 4. If you follow the Eightfold Path you can overcome your desire Buddhism impacted society in many ways. One of those ways were that they taught people to avoid violence. Also, Buddha taught the world that human suffering is caused by greed, ignorance, and desire. To break free from the cycle Samsara you must become enlightened.
Holiday Celebrated in Buddhism Vesak is the birthday of the Buddha and is celebrated on the first full moon in May. Buddhists celebrate the birth and death of the Buddha in a single day.
Where is Buddhism today? Today there are around 350 million followers of Buddhism. Many Buddhists live in Japan, Sri Lanka, the Korean Peninsula, other regions of China, and mainland Southeast Asia.
Pictures This is the symbol of Buddhism: This is a picture of Buddha: A statue of Buddhism: 3.jpg&w &page=1&tbnh=139&tbnw=139 uddhism&num=10&hl=en&safe=activ e&tbo=d&biw=1366&bih=673&tbm=i sch&tbnid=EQQGOMhWMoPs6M:&i mgrefurl= um=1&hl=en&safe=active&sa=N&biw=1366&bi h=673&tbm=isch&tbnid=rzJ2ijM-I_vIf