Submitted by:- Satyaranjan Mohanty 7 th Sem,Mechanical Engineering Jagannath Institute for Tech. & Mgmt. paralakhemundi at
KEY POINTS:- Overview Purpose History Construction Design of CAC Technology Comparision Advantages Limitation Gist References
O VERVIEW A air powered car is a car that uses a motor powered by compressed air. The car can be powered solely by air or combined (as in a hybrid electric vehicle) with gasoline, diesel & ethanol.
P URPOSE Gasoline is becoming more expensive and impractical. It is also damaging to the environment. It is not a renewable resource, it will eventually run out. Air Powered cars runs on compressed air instead of gasoline, with zero pollution.
HISTORY Charles B. Hodges will always be remembered as the true father of the compressed air concept applied to cars, being the first person, not only to invent a car driven by a compressed air engine but also to have considerable commercial success with it. In 1979, Terry Miller decided that compressed air was the perfect medium for storing energy. He developed Air Car. It was feasible to manufacture a car that could run on compressed air.
T ECHNOLOGY Fuel used: Compressed air. Rather than driving engine pistons with an ignited fuel-air mixture, compressed air cars use the expansion of compressed air, in a similar manner to the expansion of steam in a steam engine. At high pressure of 3o Mpa. Storage tanks are made of carbon fibre for weight reduction.
C OMPARISION PARAMETERSIC ENGINECAE ENGINE EmissionHighZero Material CostHighLow Fuel costHighFree Health HazardBatteries, Flammable Fuels No such danger
A DVANTAGES Refuelling can be done at home using an air compressor or at service stations. The energy required for compressing air is produced at large centralized plants, making it less costly and more effective to manage carbon emissions than from individual vehicles. Compressed air engines reduce the cost of vehicle production, because there is no need to build a cooling system, spark plugs, starter motor, or mufflers. Reduction or elimination of hazardous chemicals such as gasoline or battery acids/metals
L IMITATIONS The vehicle's air compressor will probably run on gasoline and this gas will produce pollution when burned. Distance could also become a disadvantages. (less than 100 miles) If an air car suffers damage in an accident compressed air tanks can be dangerous. Refuelling the compressed-air container using a home or low-end conventional air compressor may take as long as 4 hours
G IST When this will come on the roads,it will surely bring a revolution in the automobile arena. This will be the “car of the future”.