Football is hot emotional game!


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Presentation transcript:

Football is hot emotional game!

Most English have three main meals a day: Breakfast - between 7:00 and 9:00, Lunch - between 12:00 and 1:30 p.m. Dinner (sometimes called Supper) - The main meal. Eaten anytime between 6:30 and 8:00 p.m. (Evening meal) Traditionally, and for some people still, the meals are called: Breakfast - between 7:00 and 9:00, Dinner (The main meal) - between 12:00 and 1:30 p.m. Tea - anywhere from 5:30 at night to 6:30 p.m. On Sundays the main meal of the day is often eaten at midday instead of in the evening. This meal usually is a Roast Dinner consisting of a roast meat, Yorkshire pudding and two kinds of vegetables.


British food has traditionally been based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken and fish and generally served with potatoes and one other vegetable. The most common and typical foods eaten in Britain include the sandwich, fish and chips, pies like the cornish pasty, trifle and roasts dinners. Some of our main dishes have strange names like Bubble & Squeak and Toad-in-the-Hole.

SANDWICHES are also known as a 'butty' or 'sarnie' in some parts of the UK. One of the favourite sandwiches - prawn and mayonnaise. They also love tuna and mayonnaise and ham and pickle sandwiches.

Cheese Cheese is enjoyed by over 98% of British households. English people have a great love for cheese and over 400 varieties of cheese are produced in England. They all have have unique flavours and textures. The most common are the harder varieties such as Cheddar, Stilton, Red Leicester, Cheshireand Double Gloucester. Many cheeses are named after the place or area they are made. These cheeses include Caerphilly, Cheshire, Derby, Double Gloucester, Lancashire, Red Leicester, Stilton and Wensleydale.

Yorkshire pudding is an English side dish made from batter consisting of eggs, flour, and milk. The dish is sometimes served with beef and gravy and is a staple of the traditional British Sunday roast. It may also be served as a dessert. The exact origin of the Yorkshire pudding is, as yet, unknown. The first ever recorded recipe appeared in a book in The Yorkshire pudding is meant to rise, or york, in a correctly executed preparation.

Sunday lunch time is a typical time to eat the traditional Sunday Roast. Traditionally it consists of roast meat, (cooked in the oven for about two hours), two different kinds of vegetables and potatoes with a Yorkshire pudding. The most common joints are beef, lamb or pork; chicken is also popular. Beef is eaten with hot white horseradish sauce, pork with sweet apple sauce and lamb with green mint sauce. Gravy is poured over the meat

English people drink tea- very strong, without sugar but with milk Russian people drink tea from the Samovar with honey

Today we talk about the ‘pub’ but this is a term invented by the Victorians, an abbreviation of ‘public house’. It was the Romans who gave England its first ‘pubs’ almost two thousand years ago. In Roman towns tabernae served food and wine (and probably the local ale too), they displayed vine leaves outside to advertise their trade. When the Romans left, the tabernae disappeared.

PUB is short for ‘Public House’. The publican opens part of his or her ‘house’ to the public - a bit like giving a party in your own home every day! This is why the publican is often called the ‘HOST’. Rule # 2 There is no waiter service in British pubs. You have to go up to the bar to buy your drinks, and carry them back to your table. In every PUB there are the unofficial, unwritten, unspoken RULES: Rule # 3 Rule # 4 Rule # 5 It is customary for one or two people, not the whole group, to go up to the bar to buy drinks. To get served, you must attract the attention of the bar staff without making any noise or resorting to the vulgarity of too- obvious gesticulation. Rule # 1 If you wish to pay for your drinks individually, then order individually; if you order as a group, the bar staff will total the cost and expect a single payment. In most British pubs, you pay for your drinks in cash, immediately when you order them.

PUB is not just a place to have a drink, it offers a full range of ENTERTAINMENT!!! - a dart board- billiards table - dominoes PUB may also have a football team and a cricket team - old-fashioned regional eccentricities such as Aunt Sally, wellie-throwing, shove ha’penny, marrow-dangling, Wetton Toe Wrestling, ect.

1.Шуйская И. В. 2. Требунских Т. В. 3. Троицкая Е. В. 4. Трофимова Е. Н. 5.Фетисова Н.А.