Eugene 6D Exhibition
Use ground base foundation The building is made by Jati Bamboo walls double beam roof truss Floors cover by split bamboo floor mats Large roof structure Roof shape and longitudinal organization of space Characteristic
Ground Base foundation Ground base foundation
Jati building
Bamboo wall
Roof Roof towering like a mountain Double beam roof
Bamboo floor
Large roof structure Roof structure is exposed
Ornament “Gebyok” door
Kraton Jogjakarta Double beam roof Ground based foundation
Villa Des Indes Bali Roof towering like a mountain Ground based foundation
Roof structure is exposed
Kahyangan restaurant Roof towering like a mountain Ground based foundation
The wall ornament adapted from “gebyok” door
Javanese architectur -e is the original architectur -e of Javanese people The Javanese architecture in Jogjakarta influenced the architecture in Surabaya Surabaya is the capital city of East Java so the culture is being influenced by modernism There is not much original Javanese architecture in Surabaya Flow Chart