The Law and Love
Deuteronomy: The Law and Love As you are reading the Book of Deuteronomy, you may wonder, haven’t I heard all this before? In some fashion the answer is yes, in the Book of Exodus and Numbers. But the writer of Deuteronomy used a different device to tell the story of Israel’s liberation…
Deuteronomy: The Law and Love Covenant with Yahweh and…
Deuteronomy: The Law and Love Wandering in the desert
Deuteronomy: The Law and Love The opening of Deuteronomy sets the scene for Moses’s sermons. The book closes with him climbing a mountain to look at Canaan, which he will not be able to enter.
Moses’ Message to the People He tries to inspire them to be faithful in the new land where many temptations await them: Idolatry Wealth Power
Moses’ Message to the People He retells the stories to remind the people that God has been with them all along: Slavery in Egypt Covenant at Sinai 40 Years in the Wilderness Brink of Entering the Promised Land
Classroom Activity In writing, share a story that is told and retold in your family. What special meaning or message does it hold?
Keeping the Law Deuteronomy shows a sensitivity to the poor and oppressed: Every 7 years, debts are forgiven. Israelites may not be sold into slavery. Parents and children may not be punished for one another’s crime. Social Justice
Josiah’s Reform Movement Began 30 years before the Exile. King Josiah wanted to call people back to the Covenant, but was unsuccessful. The Israelites’ refusal is seen as a cause for their destruction and Exile.
Love at the Core of the Law At the heart of the laws is the Shema prayer. It says that God is One and we must love Him with our entire being: Heart Soul Strength
Jesus and the Great Commandment Jesus also quoted Deuteronomy about the love of God and added that you should love your neighbor as yourself.
Classroom Activity In the Shema, the Jews attempt to express and pass on their burning love for God. Has someone in your life passed on a sense of God’s love for you? If so, write about this person and the ways he/she has taught you about God’s love. Also, reflect on any opportunities you have taken to pass on a sense of God’s love to another.
On the Brink of the Promised Land At the end of Deuteronomy, the Israelites are poised to enter the Promised Land. We have now completed our study of the Pentateuch (Torah), the first five books of the Bible.
On the Brink of the Promised Land The first book, Genesis, taught us about the origins of the people of Israel.
On the Brink of the Promised Land Exodus showed us how God freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and made the covenant of Sinai with them.
On the Brink of the Promised Land Leviticus showed us the great concern that the Jews held for reverent worship and holiness.
On the Brink of the Promised Land Numbers took us on a journey with the Israelites through the wilderness in search of the Promised Land.
On the Brink of the Promised Land And Deuteronomy gave us insight into the essential spirit of Judaism, which is wholehearted love for God.
On the Brink of the Promised Land This last book of the Pentateuch ends with the Israelites on the brink of the Promised Land, with Joshua as God’s chosen one in charge.