P RESENTATION ON M ANAGEMENT I NFORMATION S YSTEM By Prithnee Moneea Bsc(Hons)Business Informatics (Top-Up)
CONTENT Definition of MIS Objectives Characteristics Impact Design Implementation Example
M ANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM MIS can be defined as a system that: Provides information to support managerial functions like planning, organizing, directing, controlling. Collects information in a systematic and routine manner which is in accordance with a well defined set of rules. Includes files, hardware, software and operation research models of processing, storing, retrieving and transmitting information to the users.
OBJECTIVES OF MIS Facilitates the decisions-making process by furnishing information in the proper time frame. Provides requisite information at each level of management Support decision-making in both structured and unstructured problem environments. Provide a system of people, computers, procedures, interactive query facilities, documents for collecting, storing, retrieving and transmitting information to the users.
CHARACTERISTICS OF MIS Management oriented The system is designed from the top to work downwards. It does not mean that the system is designed to provide information directly to the top management. Other levels of management are also provided with relevant information. Heavy planning element A management information system cannot be establish overnight. It takes almost 2 to 4 years to establish it successfully in an organization. Hence long term planning is required for MIS development in order to fulfill the future needs and objectives of the organization. Flexibility and ease of use While building an MIS system all types of possible means which may occur in future are added to make it flexible. A feature that often goes with flexibility is ease of use. The MIS should be able to incorporate all those features that make it readily accessible to wide range of users with easy usability
IMPACT OF MIS MIS creates an impact on the organizations functions, performance and productivity. MIS helps in forecasting and long term prospective planning. MIS calls for systemization of the business operations for an effective system design. MIS improves decision making ability considerably
DESIGN OF MIS The following steps are generally taken in the design of MIS Identifying information needs Listing objectives of MIS Identifying system constraints Determining information needs and resources. Developing alternative conceptual design Preparing the conceptual design report.
D ESIGN OF MIS Problem Definition Set System Objectives Internal Constraints Internal Constraints Identify constraints External constraints Determine Information needs Design and Implementation Design and Implementation Evaluation determine information source Develop alternative conceptual design Cost and facilities
IMPLEMENTATION OF MIS Preparing organizational plans. Planning of work flow. Training of personnel. Development of software. Acquiring computer hardware. Designing the format for data collection. Construction of data files. Operation of old and new systems in parallel. Phasing out the old and inducting the new system. Evaluation, maintenance and control of the new system.
How Management Information System is implemented in McDonalds? McDonald's is a large network of employees around the world. Each Branch Chief should monitor the performance of his employees to decide if they deserve promotion or any type of reinforcement or even if there are employees who failing in their work, “so McDonald's used Management Information System to record all these information about the employees. Also, Management Information System used to record all financial operation in the restaurants such as, expense, budget and profit”. So, by using Management Information System McDonald's can identify what happened and what they should do, and determine the direction of their working. In McDonalds they implement MIS system which is used to produce periodic reports such as a daily list of employees and the hours they work, or a monthly report of expenses as compared to a budget. McDonalds used MIS because the purpose of MIS is to provide profitability and information to help managers and staff understand the business performance and plan its future direction.