Greek Mythology JEOPARDY
The Odyssey $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 The Trojan War R and J Litarary Terms Randoms $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800
Back to the Game Board A: Epic Q: A long Narrative Poem is called an:
Back to the Game Board A: Mentes, Mentor, Telemakhos Q: Name three people Athena disguises herself as
Back to the Game Board A: Answers will vary Q: Name three epithets in the Odyssey?
Back to the Game Board A: Klytainmnestra, Orestes Q: _____ kills Agamemnon, while his son ____ seeks revenge for his death
Back to the Game Board A: Repetition Q: What epic style device is being used with the reference to the Orestia?
Back to the Game Board A: Identity, Desire to return home, loyalty Q: Name three themes in the Odyssey:
Back to the Game Board A: Ciconians, lotus eaters, Aeolus, Circe, Kyklopes, Kalyspso, Phaikans Q: Name seven places Odysseus travels to along his journey home
Back to the Game Board A: He will return home after twenty years; a beggar and recognized by no one Q: The prophecy for Odysseus stated:
Back to the Game Board A: Achilles, Ajax, Patroclus, Agamemnon Q: Name three Greek warriors
Back to the Game Board A: A deception from within Q: Used today, a “Trojan Horse” means
Back to the Game Board A: Discord Q: Eris is the Goddess of ____
Back to the Game Board A: Hera, Athena Q: Name a Goddess that favors the Greeks
Back to the Game Board A: King Priam Q: He was the King of Troy
Back to the Game Board A: Thetis, sea nymph, prophecy Q: Achilles mother is named ____. She is a _____ who has the gift of ____
Back to the Game Board A: Cassandra Q: Has the gift of prophecy but is never believed
Back to the Game Board A: Helen Q: The face that launched 1,000 ships
Back to the Game Board A: Both alike in dignity Q: Finish the quote: “Two house holds…”
Back to the Game Board A: 37, comedy, tragedy, history Q: Shakespeare wrote ___ plays which consisted of ___, ____, and _____
Back to the Game Board A: Inconsistent Q: Juliet asks Romeo not to swear by the moon because it is ____
Back to the Game Board A: Iambic Pentameter, five, 10 Q: The play is written in what meter? Which consists of ___ feet for a total of ____ syllables
Back to the Game Board A: Mercutio Q: Which character is a COMPLETE literary foil to Romeo
Back to the Game Board A: Sometimes by action dignified Q: Finish the quote: “virtue itself turns vice being misapplied and vice…
Back to the Game Board A: Act 1 scene i Q: The exposition occurs during
Back to the Game Board A: Mercutio, Tybalt, Paris, Romeo, Juliet, Lady Montague Q: Name the six people that die in the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Back to the Game Board A: Sonnet Q: 14 line poem
Back to the Game Board A: Allusion Q: A reference to a literary work or other work of art
Back to the Game Board A: Literary Foil Q: a character whose personality traits contrast with and highlight those of another character
Back to the Game Board A: Oxymoron Q: “Oh brawling love, oh loving hate” is an example of what literary device
Back to the Game Board A: Metaphor Q: “…Juliet is the sun” is an example of a
Back to the Game Board A: Dramatic Irony Q: contradiction between what a character thinks or says and what the reader or audience knows to be true.
Back to the Game Board A: Personification Q: "Arise fair sun, and kill the envious moon" is an example of:
Back to the Game Board A: A pun Q: A play on words
Back to the Game Board A: 12 Times New Roman Q: Size and font used in MLA
Back to the Game Board A: Embedded quotations Q: What type of quotations do you use in formal writing?
Back to the Game Board A: A clause that can stand alone as one sentence Q: What is an independent clause?
Back to the Game Board A: Thesis Q: What is the last sentence in the introduction paragraph?
Back to the Game Board A: Severus Snape Severus Snape Q: Who is Harry Potter’s Literary Foil?
Back to the Game Board A: Anything Pizza! Q: What is Miss Carlino’s favorite food?
Back to the Game Board A: NOM NOM NOM Q: What noise do all creatures make whilst eating?
Back to the Game Board A: Patterns of Human Experience Q: What is the name of this course?