N. Sassaman – 7 th grade Science
EVERYONE get your Kindle You may NOT play GAMES (ie. Cool Math, any Apps, etc.) You MAY check your grades, read the news (NewsHog app), explore other INFORMATIONAL apps.
View the images on the next slide. Make a list (one/sticky) of some differences between each picture. Make a list (one/sticky) of some similarities between each picture.
Hurricane Sandy, October 2012 – New Jersey Dust bowl, Texas
March 18, 2007October 31, 2012
Use you Kindle to search for images, videos, person accounts, stories, etc. about both Hurricane Sandy and The Dust Bowl. If you find something you’d like to share (either great story or just awesome video/image), write the website info on a sticky and place on the board.
Read the article ‘Turned to Dust’ from the April 2012 Science World magazine. Complete your ‘Ask, Answer, Learn’ reading guide after you read. Use your AAL reading guide along with the article to complete the ‘Then and Now’ page in your notes packet.
Purpose – In this virtual Lab, you will examine the effects of two kinds of weathering: mechanical and chemical. Directions – Investigate all 4 scenes in this interactive. Be sure to click on BOTH effect buttons and fully describe the ‘before’ and ‘after’ weathering scene.
Turn to page 40 of your textbook, Earth’s Changing Surface. Read the DISCOVER activity at the top of the page. Use the materials provided in class to complete this activity. Once complete, open up SOCRATIVE on your Kindle and enter Room number Input your answers then SUBMIT.
Use textbook pp to help!
Read “Stormy Debate” in the September issue of Science world (p ). Complete your ‘Ask, Answer, Learn’ reading guide after you read. In your notes packet, complete the Gather Support worksheet using this article information. ASK – Turn section headings into questions (who, what, why, when, where, how). ANSWER – Answer the question using info from section. LEARN – add detail to your answer (key terms and other info) by including supporting info from the article.
BrainPOP videos USERNAME: PASSWORD: Seals Weathering and Climate animation National Geographic Education – Weathering (photos/info) Weathering Photos and causes Mechanical weathering - photos/info
Weathering and Erosion (10 questions) Weathering and Erosion Rocks and Weathering (10 questions) Rocks and Weathering Types of Weathering (10 questions) Types of Weathering BrainPOP videos USERNAME: PASSWORD: Seals Watch and take the Quizzes!