Starter a 6 c A 53° 84° 1.Use Law of Sines to calculate side c of the triangle. 2.Use the Law of Cosines to calculate side a of the triangle. 3.Now find the Area of a Triangle.
Writing: Math 1.What have you learned this year? List and describe three (3) items or concepts from math List and describe three (3) items or concepts from OUTSIDE of math 2.What could I do better to help you in math? 3.What could you do better to help you in math? 4.What do you wish teachers knew? When you are done writing, turn it in to me. Then find your 9-6 Law of Cosines assignment.
Sage Test: Math 1.When: May 4 to May 8 2.Where: Our classroom on Chromebooks 3.What you can use: A calculator and scratch paper I am required to provide the scratch paper before the test I am required to collect the scratch paper after the test 4.Is it graded? Yes, twice. I will give you one test grade for: Your score on the test; and Your work on the scratch paper 5.What is it for? State law requires us to show where we are as a school with an end-of-year test. It is just a piece of our picture. 6.Will there be class after the test? Yes!