LINK A A A W W U B B I S Subordinating conjunctions: Although Unless After Before As Because When If While Since
SUBORDINATE CONJUNCTIONS Subordinating conjunctions create dependent clauses. A dependent clause is a group of words that cannot stand alone. It must be paired with an independent clause (sentence) in either a complex or complex/compound sentence.
A A A W W U B B I S When the AWUBIS comes at the start of the sentence, use a comma after the dependent clause. o You will usually not need a comma when the AWUBIS is in mid-sentence.
EXAMPLES (write all) A A A W W U B B I S… Although he was very smart, he was very shy of using it. After words, silence is the most powerful object. As far as I know, getting good grades helps you in college. When you leave, please take your stuff with you. While you are working, please listen carefully. Unless you plan to go that way, never look back! Before we acquire power we must acquire wisdom to use it. Because a person doesn’t sleep, they are not dumb. If you had a million dollars, would you buy me a house? Since August, I have bought 100 happy meals.
AAAWWUBBIS PRACTICE!!! Although _____________________,_________________________________. After _______________________,__________________________________. As _______________________,__________________________________. When _______________________,__________________________________. While _______________________,__________________________________. Unless _______________________,__________________________________. Before _______________________,__________________________________. Because _______________________,_______________________________. If _______________________,__________________________________. Since _______________________,__________________________________.