Conflict Management Chapter 7
Problem vs. Conflict Problem Involves a situation or object Question to be considered or solved
Problem vs. Conflict Conflict Difficulties between people Feared & avoided by leaders Inherent in all relationships Differences in goals Communication creates, reflects, & is a vehicle for conflict management
1. Distribution of resources Results in power struggles Resources = tangible & intangible Inequity in distribution of resources Leaders can…
2. Individual psychological needs Competing or incompatible goals Personality clashes Unmet needs Conflicting motivators Power discrepancies Consider individual needs
3. Conflicts over values Come from…. Deeply entwined in one’s identity Culture, religion, personal beliefs Deeply entwined in one’s identity Difficult to overcome
Conflict Resolution The process of resolving disagreements with the use of specific conflict resolution skills Goal: Create a win-win situation Assertiveness… Approaches….
Assertiveness in Managing Difficulties Behaviors that arise when dealing with conflict Standing up for your rights while being sensitive to others & accepting responsibility for one’s actions 4 stage continuum
Assertiveness in Managing Conflict High Passivity Assertiveness Manipulation Aggressiveness Respect for Others Low High Respect for Self
Assertiveness in Managing Conflict Aggressiveness Lack of respect for others Dominating & winning are key Like to humiliate people Perceive themselves as powerful Lacks credibility from others H Passivity Assertiveness Manipulation Aggressiveness Respect for Others Respect for Self L H
Assertiveness in Managing Conflict Passivity Non honest expression of feelings Lack of self respect Appease others Avoid conflicts Ineffective in problem solving H Passivity Assertiveness Manipulation Aggressiveness Respect for Others Respect for Self L H
Assertiveness in Managing Conflict Manipulative Lack of respect for self & others Underhanded Coerce responses from people Resented & not respected by others H Passivity Assertiveness Manipulative Aggressiveness Respect for Others Respect for Self L H
Assertiveness in Managing Conflict Respect for self & others Stand up for rights without violating others’ rights Direct, honest Consider others H Passivity Assertiveness Manipulation Aggressiveness Respect for Others Respect for Self L H
Approaches to Dealing with Conflict Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competitive High Level of Cooperation Low High Level of Assertiveness
Approaches to Dealing with Conflict Avoidance Low assertiveness & low cooperation Characteristics What problem? Non-committal Make irreverent remarks…get over it Denial Why? Fear Hurt feelings of others Time to deal with it Lose-lose situation H Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competitive Level of Cooperation Level of Assertiveness L H
Approaches to Dealing with Conflict Accommodation Low assertive, high cooperation Do what others want & not what you want Win-lose relationship Shows a lack of confidence H Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competitive Level of Cooperation Level of Assertiveness L H
Approaches to Dealing with Conflict Competitive High assertive, low cooperation Look out for yourself regardless of what others One-up relationship Dominance issue Win-lose relationship H Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competitive Level of Cooperation Level of Assertiveness L H
Approaches to Dealing with Conflict Compromise Middle of assertiveness & cooperation Give & take relationship Goal: Equal exchange Neither party satisfied Lose-lose or weak win-win H Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competitive Level of Cooperation Level of Assertiveness L H
Approaches to Dealing with Conflict Collaboration High assertiveness & cooperation Work through problem Combine resources to move ahead Don’t give up things like Compromise Work jointly & accept responsibility Win-win situation…best approach H Accommodation Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Competitive Level of Cooperation Level of Assertiveness L H