By: Carly Brown, Katelyn Schwarts, Drew Cole, and Gracie Wethy.
Where they live Sponges live on the bottom of the ocean floor they don’t move. They don’t swim or move around they practically stay in one place.
What they eat Sponges don’t move so they only eat what swims by their area. Sponges feed on plankton and other tiny organisms that go near them. Sponges are adapted eating so they eat all the time. They eat by tiny pores or hairs, flagella, move water through the sponge. As water moves out more water enters. Specialized cells filter the food out. Other special foods digest.
Their body systems Some sponges are the starfish, sea sponges, and the basket sponge. Sponges don’t have any tissues, bones, organs, or a brain yet scientists still classify them as living creatures and not plants.
How they reproduce Sponges reproduce asexually and sexually. Their fertilization takes places in the water. Their eggs are contained I specialized cells in the body wall. Sperms inter the sponge to fertilize the egg. After fertilized the egg becomes a larva and the larva moves away from the parent and then grow into a sponge as soon as they attach to some under water surface.
Fun facts!! The sea sponge an also be classified as Sponge bob, and the sea star like Patrick. Most sponges have spicules and it makes the sponge less likely to become a source of food. It also gives the sponge its shape and provides support. Some spicules still put of the sponge. The don’t have a brain, a heart, head, ears, eyes, arms, legs, mouth, bones, or organs so that’s why they don't move. They can produce a special toxic to keep predators away. The scientific name of the sponge is Phylum Porifera. Sponges have the amazing ability to regenerate. If the sponge loses a part of their body it grows back.
By: Katelyn Schwartz, Carly Brown, Drew Cole, and Gracie Wethey The end!!!!!!!! !!