Mr. Dave Pannepacker 10 th Grade Chemistry
ISTE Standards Creativity and Innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students: Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes. Communication and Collaboration Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students: Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
ISTE Standards Research and Information Fluency Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students: Evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks. Process data and report results. Technology Operations and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students: Understand and use technology systems. Select and use applications effectively and productively. Troubleshoot systems and applications. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
Chemistry knowledge necessary for lab Understand how single replacement reactions take place Understand how catalysts such as heat affect a reaction Understand that we cannot actually turn copper into gold
Technology knowledge necessary for lab Use of a digital camera Use of iPhoto or some other photo program Use of Garageband or some other vodcast program How to text
Safety knowledge necessary for lab Wear goggles and aprons at all times Don’t play around with chemicals Know cleanup procedures for the end of the lab If something breaks, know how to react and use the help of the teacher to fix the problem
A student will better understand how a single replacement reaction works by experiencing it firsthand. They will then be able to use the knowledge from past lessons on how to use digital cameras and create a vodcast of the lab.
Before The day prior to the lab will be the day that I teach all the students about single replacement reactions. The day of the lab I will go over the procedure for the lab and ensure all students understand what they are expected to produce in the way of a vodcast lab report. The students will text using an online texting poll ( to answer a question beforehand about single replacement reactions from the previous day so I can make sure they understand basic knowledge necessary for the lab. The students will also learn beforehand how to use digital cameras and vodcast programs so that they may complete their lab report.
During Students will create lab groups of three or four people. The students will spend the majority of the class period performing the actual lab. They will be following the direct procedure supplied to them and be taking digital pictures as well. While the students perform the lab, I will be walking around the classroom to make sure the students are following directions and aren’t doing anything to hurt themselves or others. The lab comes from html html
After I will wrap up the discussion from the lecture from the previous day and allow students to draw connections for themselves on how single replacement reactions actually work. The firsthand experience in the lab will help them understand the chemistry concepts better, and I will draw connections to real-world applications of single replacement reactions. As an added bonus, they will be able to keep their “gold” penny.
Lab Materials and Equipment Goggles and aprons Pennies Paper towels Tongs 250mL beakers Hot plates Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Zinc (Zn)
Technology Materials and Equipment Smart board/Promethean Board to display the procedure and poll Digital cameras Laptops to begin work on podcasts if there is time
Students will have several days after the lab to create a vodcast as a sort of technological lab report. They will use the pictures taken during class and add their own voice to the pictures to create a presentation that I will grade. There will be one vodcast per lab group, so it will be a group effort for the presentation. This type of evaluation will show me that the students understand what we did in the lab and how it connects to what we learned in lecture and also how it connects to real-world applications.
Wheelchair-bound Have them take the pictures and observe the lab instead of actually participating.
Smartboard/Promethean Board I will use this as a projector for displaying the poll I will conduct in the beginning of class. I will also use it for displaying the procedure for the whole class to see. Digital Camera The students will take pictures of what they do in the lab to create a short presentation as their version of a lab report. They will use the pictures in a program such as Garageband to create their vodcast.
The grades from the vodcast lab reports will be my main source of self-assessment. If the students did a great job with their presentation and showed they understood the material, then I will know that I did my job. Another source of self-assessment will be the outcome of the lab at the end of the day. If the students finish the lab in a timely fashion and get the desired results, then that means they understood the concepts and I did my job.