TECHNICAL FOULS RULE 6 Fouls of a less serious nature than personal fouls and include violations of the rules of the game.
THE PENALTY FOR TECHNICAL FOULS; Shall either be a 30-second suspension of the offending player from the game (if the team fouled had possession of the ball at the time the foul was committed) or simply the awarding of the ball to the team fouled (if the team fouled did not have possession of the ball at the time the foul was committed). Exception: A loose-ball technical foul by Team B followed by a personal foul by Team A during the play-on will result in both players serving penalty time.
Section 2 Crease Violations & Goalkeeper Interference When defense has possession, crease violations shall be penalized rather than under the general rules for technical fouls. – A crease violation or goalkeeper interference of a technical nature while the ball is in possession of the defense outside of the crease shall be a slow-whistle/flag down situation. – A crease violation or goalkeeper interference with the goalkeeper while he and the ball are in the crease, whether or not he has possession of the ball, shall be a play-on. – If the goalkeeper has possession and fails to run the ball out of the crease or successfully complete an outlet pass the result is a free clear. – If the ball is loose in the crease and the goalkeeper gains possession, the play-on is over.
Section 3 Holding A player may not impede the movement of an opponent or his crosse. A player may not; – Use the portion of the stick between the hands to hold. – Step on the crosse of an opponent. – Hold an opponent with the crosse. – Hold or pin an opponent's crosse against the body of the opponent with his crosse. – Hold an opponent with his free hand that is off the crosse. – Hold the crosse of an opponent using any part of his body. – Use his crosse to hold or pin an opponent's crosse to the ground on a face-off.
Section 3 Holding Holding is permitted under the following conditions; – With possession or within 5 yards of a loose ball-may be held from the front or side. – With possession may be played with a hold check from the rear if the hold exerts no more than equal pressure. Done with either closed hand, shoulder or fore-arm; and with both hands on the crosse.
Section 4 Illegal Offensive Screening Screen must be stationary before contact occurs. May not extend the stick or hold the stick rigid to impede movement. There must be contact for an illegal screen to occur. Be aware of unnecessary roughness by a defensive player running through a player setting a legal screen.
Section 5 Illegal Procedure Any action on the part of the players or substitutes of a technical nature that is not in conformity with the rules. – Touching the ball with the hands. Exception-Goalkeeper in the crease. – Throwing the crosse. – Playing without a crosse. – Kicking the crosse. – Push or flicking the crosse in the face of an opponent. – Avoidable lateness of a team. – Leaving the penalty area early. Assess an additional 30 seconds. – Delay of game. Use your timer or 5 second count! Includes a player rolling the ball away on a restart. – Playing the ball while out of bounds. – Player not in the restraining area on a faceoff. – Failure to give 5 yards on a free play. – Any violations of the rules for substituting players. – Any violations of the rules relating to the goal crease area. – Any violations of the rules for time-outs. – Having more than 10 players in the game. – Face off violations.
Section 5 Illegal Procedure Head coach makes two or more requests in which no violations are found for either counting of long crosses or inspecting any opponents' equipment, a time-out will be charged. In no time-outs remain for that half or overtime period, a technical foul will be assessed. More than 4 long crosses in the game. Failure to advance. Failure to provide a scorebook, timing device, table, or working horn. Failure to have a clearly marked center line that runs the entire width of the field. Failure to have a properly equipped designated goalkeeper on the field of play. Violation of uniform requirements. This is assessed at the start of the game. Once the game begins, uniform violations will not be penalized.
Section 6 Conduct Foul A coach shall not enter the field without the permission of an official, except to attend to an injured player, to warm up a goalkeeper, or during half time. Coach leaving the bench area and/or coaches area. Players leaving the confines of the bench area while the clock is running. Using artificial audio aids, electronic devices, or megaphones to communicate with players on the field. Object by arguing or gesturing to a decision by an official, timekeeper or scorekeeper. Commit any act considered misconduct by an official. Situate school bands or other organized groups that use artificial means to create noise on the opponent's sided of the field.