“ The Gift of the Magi” pg 202 The Magi that the title refers to are the three “wise men” that brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the infant Jesus. These are traditionally thought of as the first Christmas gifts.
Quick Write If you could save one item from a disaster – a fire, a flood, an earthquake – what would it be? In a few sentences, describe your most cherished possession, and tell why you treasure it.
Predictions Based on the word cloud at the right, what predictions can you make about this story? Who or what is the story going to be focused on?
Verbal Irony Verbal irony is when someone says one thing and means another. –When you tell someone you like their new shirt when really you don’t. –Verbal irony is also called sarcasm.
Situational Irony Situational irony is when a situation turns out to be totally opposite of what we expect –The police chief’s son turns out to be a thief. –The great and powerful Wizard of Oz turned out to be a little man behind a curtain
Dramatic Irony When the audience knows something that the characters do not –Often played out on TV or in plays and the movies –Little Red Riding Hood – The audience or reader knows the wolf is in the bed, but Little Red Riding Hood doesn’t
“The Gift of the Magi” - Assignment 1.What is the main point of the last paragraph? 2.Answer questions 3, 4, 5 and 6. 3.What do you think this little story has to say about our consumer society today? Do you think that we look at love and money as being equal? Think about all of the money spent on things, advertising, and the value placed on possessions. Do you think this attitude is right or wrong? Write a paragraph defending your answer.