Developed By: Barbara (Bobbi) P. Clarke, PhD. RD Professor & Extension Health Specialist, Co-Director for The University of Tennessee Center for Community Health Literacy Immunizations for Adults Protect Your Family’s Health With Immunizations ~ Updated 08/12~
Immunizations for Adults 2
3 Where Do You Get These Immunizations? Doctor’s office Health Department Pharmacies Local hospitals or clinics Health fairs
Immunizations for Adults 4 What do These Shots Cost? Costs vary depending on your insurance coverage. Medicare Part B pays for flu and pneumonia shots. Medicare Part D pays for all remaining shots.
Immunizations for Adults 5 Keep Records of Immunizations Keep an immunization record for each adult member of your family. Ask your doctor for a record to use. Keep these important records in a place where you can easily find them.
Immunizations for Adults 6 Adult Immunization Record
Immunizations for Adults 7 Vital Vaccines for Adults Flu shot – Protects against the influenza virus (the flu) Especially important for adults age 50 and older, pregnant women and adults with chronic diseases. Get the flu shot every year in the fall.
Immunizations for Adults 8 Vital Vaccines for Adults Diphtheria – Protects against diphtheria (severe infection of the throat and respiratory tract) The Diphtheria vaccine is combined with the tetanus vaccine (Td) and sometimes the pertussis vaccine as well (Tdap). Get the Diphtheria vaccine every 10 years. (continued)
Immunizations for Adults 9 Vital Vaccines for Adults Tetanus vaccine – Protects against tetanus (a serious neurological disorder that may occur from a contaminated wound, also called lockjaw) Combined with the Diphtheria vaccine (Td) and/or the pertussis vaccine (Tdap). Get the Tetanus vaccine every 10 years. (continued)
Immunizations for Adults Vital Vaccines for Adults Pertussis vaccine – Protects against whooping cough (a contagious respiratory infection marked by uncontrollable coughing) All adults should get a one-time pertussis booster. It is recommended that adults over 65 get a booster if they plan to have contact with infants under 12 months. Pregnant women are also encouraged to be vaccinated late in pregnancy or right after delivery. 10 (continued)
Immunizations for Adults 11 Vital Vaccines for Adults MMR – Protects against measles, mumps and rubella Adults who were born after 1957 who do not have documented immunity of these conditions should receive one dose of the vaccine. Other people who should consider this vaccine due to greater risk of infection (2 doses): College students Anyone traveling internationally Health care personnel (continued)
Immunizations for Adults 12 Vital Vaccines for Adults Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) – Protects against specific types of the HPV virus Adult Females, aged 18-26, are encouraged to receive either HPV vaccine (Cervarix or Gardasil). Adult Males, aged 18-25, are encouraged to receive the HPV4 vaccine (Gardasil). (continued)
Immunizations for Adults 13 Vital Vaccines for Adults Zoster – Protects against shingles and post-herpatic neuralgia Recommended for people over the age of 60 to prevent and/or weaken the effects of shingles. Also helps to prevent post-herpatic neuralgia (PHN), which is a very painful after-effect of shingles that affects some people. (continued)
Immunizations for Adults 14 Vital Vaccines for Some Adults Pneumococcal vaccine – Protects against bacterial pneumococcus (a serious infection of the lungs) High risk people who should get the pneumococcal vaccine: those who are age 65 or older, have chronic illnesses (such as lung diseases, heart disease, kidney disorders, sickle cell anemia, or diabetes), are recovering from severe illness, or are in nursing homes or other chronic-care facilities. You can get the pneumococcal vaccine when you get the flu shot. Getting the flu shot may prevent pneumonia because this infection is a common complication of the flu.
Immunizations for Adults 15 Vital Vaccines for Some Adults Varicella – Protects against chicken pox It is recommended that adults without prior chicken pox infection receive the varicella vaccine. Chicken pox can be more serious in adults than children. Adults who have not had chicken pox and work in health care settings, schools or daycares are particularly vulnerable. (continued)
Immunizations for Adults 16 Vital Vaccines for Some Adults Hep A – Protects against Hepatitis A (liver infection) Recommended for anyone traveling to countries where the disease is highly prevalent. Highly recommended for persons with chronic liver disease or blood-clotting disorders. (continued)
Immunizations for Adults 17 Vital Vaccines for Some Adults Hep B – Protects against Hepatitis B (liver infection) High risk people that should get the Hep B vaccine: health care workers, kidney dialysis patients, overseas travelers, sexual partners of hepatitis B carriers, people with multiple sex partners, or users of IV drugs (continued)
Immunizations for Adults 18 Vital Vaccines for Some Adults Meningococcal – Protects against Meningitis (inflamed membranes of the brain and spinal cord) Recommended for: Adults who have had a spleenectomy or have certain immunological deficiencies. College students living in residence halls. People in certain vocations due to increased exposure risk (microbiologists, military recruits, persons who travel to countries where meningitis is prevalent). (continued)
Immunizations for Adults 19 What Immunizations do I need?
Immunizations for Adults 20 Immunizations for International Travelers Check with your doctor about necessary vaccines. Need to get them in advance before the trip in order to build-up immunity against the disease. View the CDC’s Travelers Health Web site for more information about vaccinations before traveling to a foreign country:
Immunizations for Adults 21 Should Pregnant Women Get Immunizations? Women that are pregnant should talk with their doctor about their individual level of risk for vaccine-preventable diseases. The flu shot is recommended for women who will be beyond the first trimester of pregnancy during the influenza season. Women with medical conditions that increase their risk for complications of the flu should be vaccinated.
Immunizations for Adults 22 Questions?