BACKGROUND He lived in Menlo Park, New Jersey. His nickname was Al. He wanted to see if he could hatch goose eggs. He knew that the mother goose sat on her eggs to hatch them. He made a lot of inventions in his life. He moved a lot.
1859 He sold newspapers, food, candy, and fruit on a train. Train rides in Thomas’s time were very bumpy.
1863 He learns how to send telegraph messages. The clicker was used to send messages in Morse Code.
1893 He invented the practical light bulb. His first light bulb got baked in the oven. It glowed for 13 hours.
1894 Opened the first motion picture studio. This took a long time to open his studio.
He received the Congressional Gold Medal He won this award because of his lifetime of inventions.
QUOTE “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” That means that he learned from his mistakes.
CHARACTER TRAITS He was determined because he never gave up until he was successful. He was intelligent because he thought of many inventions.
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