Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Create a Home Environment That Fosters Learning Students who are successful in school have parents who take time to work with them at home and support what they are learning in school.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Get into the Homework Habit Studies show that a person must do a specific task 21 days in a row to make it a habit. Our goal is to help children get into the habit of doing homework every night.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Homework is the best opportunity for schools and the families to be connected. Homework helps children develop good study habits. Why is Homework Important?
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Why is Homework Important? Homework helps children develop positive attitudes towards school and a love for learning. Students who develop good study habits when they are young will do better academically in middle school and high school.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Help Children Develop Good Study Habits Create a positive home environment to encourage learning. Select a consistent place where your children will do homework everyday.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Get into the Homework Habit Establish a consistent time each day for homework. Decide as a family the best time to do homework each day. Make sure the television and the radio are turned off during homework time.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Create a Home Environment to Encourage Learning Have a small box of school supplies available. Have a consistent area where your children can keep their school work.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Create a Home Environment to Encourage Learning Recognize your children’s efforts! Have a consistent place to show off or save your children’s school work. Praise your children often.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Ask questions about the assignments so you know what your children are doing. Have each child work alone. Make yourself available to answer questions or provide guidance if needed. Help Children Develop Good Study Habits
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Help Children Develop Good Study Habits Help children recognize their own mistakes and make corrections on their own. Keep other children busy doing their homework, drawing, putting together puzzles, or reading.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition If you don’t understand a specific homework problem: Send a note or call the teacher and ask for instructions. Call the Homework Hotline at: Monday - Thursday, 4:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m. Help Children Develop Good Study Habits
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Make Reading Part of Your Children’s Daily Homework The new “Million Words a Year” campaign requires that students read for a minimum of minutes a day.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Create a Home Environment to Encourage Learning Start a family library in your home so that your children can have plenty of books to read. Remember: Your children need to read one million words per year!
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Make the Home to School Connection Talk with your children every day about what they learned in school. Ask very specific questions. Examples: What book did you read in school today? What did you like best about the book?
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Have a Positive Attitude Show interest in what your children are learning at school. Focus on the strengths of your children. Never say negative things about teachers or the school in front of your children.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Be a Positive Role Model for Your Children If you want your children to read, it is very important that they see you read. Sign up for classes and parent workshops. Attend parent-teacher conferences, back-to-school nights, family nights, etc.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Get to Know Your Children Get to know your children’s interests, hobbies, dreams and friends. Make time to talk to your children on a daily basis. Spend individual time with each child at least twice a week.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Enjoy Being a Parent Take time to enjoy your children. Do fun things as a family. Delight in your children’s accomplishments.
Denver Public Schools Colorado Parent Information & Resource Center Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition Motivate Your Children to Do Well in School It begins with you! What messages are you giving your children about the importance of education?